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livfully's blog

Chris Cuomo and the Big Uh-Oh (and Dismissal from CNN!)

on Wed, 12/01/2021 - 08:42

Some folks tune into broadcasts with CNN's Chris Cuomo on a regular basis. Through the pandemic his older brother Governor of NY, Andrew Cuomo, would be on his show as a guest and keep folks informed in what some viewed as a helpful form of leadership.

The Big Problema that has emerged from CNN looking more closely at transcripts of what Chris Cuomo said to help manage the defense of Gov. Cuomo's sexual harassment and assault allegations.

According to a radio report I just heard, the concerns were not just that Chris acted in a general advisory role (still declaring there was a wall between

Some Pointers About Using Zoom for Meetings or In General..

on Wed, 11/24/2021 - 04:02

In Case You Are New to Zoom or Orientation to a job, I thought I'd share what I was given by an organization that helps Personal Care Assistants (chosen by their employer rather than through an agency, but likely very similar trainings may be required to start working or restart if one has taken time off and has not heard of the options to join a union and what a job entails. In this case there is a handbook to review online with many of the details covered in the training, but it's important for an organization, even a large one, have a record of people taking an orientation and training.

Sharing a "Natural Event' I just signed up for...and plan to attend (for free so far)

on Mon, 11/22/2021 - 05:01

I got word from Devorah Spillman online about this zoom gathering coming up with speakers (and offers to have longterm access and more.)

Thought I'd pass it on. Hope to share some of the tips and tricks for being more connected with nature and my intuition...(that's one tuition everyone should be able to afford to invest in!) Here's to a peaceful next part of 2021..and into 2022, one good rest and adventure at a time!

On that note look up my former posts on for a free trial link of their program to help balance the R and L sides of the brain with

"Energy Flows Where Attention Goes..." and more ideas from Joe Dispenza

on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 07:23

From or org...there is a free set of talks right now by Dr. Joe Dispenza. He breaks down the idea that things from the past can confuse us and create chaotic 'repeat' patterns...Things, people and places from the past, viewing it 'from the same kind of mind', one needs to disengage from the associations one has experienced to help break free from one's body and personality that has the 'electromagnetic energy field' to reprogram and rebuild oneself anew...

He gives an example of a woman who had her back hurt significantly from an accident.

Live FB talk from about Women, Money, Working, Getting Ahead

on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 01:13 is the link to see the interview or skim through. I will circle back and put some highlights up. I was multi-tasking but overall found it helpful to ask for what you want with confidence, be knowledgeable and know it's a 'worker's market' (if I caught those points correctly...) Here's their PR for the talk...

"From award-winning NPR journalist and host of The Indicator from Planet Money comes a new book about women in the workplace.
