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livfully's blog

D-Day June 6, 1944 (73 years ago) and a Reminder That Prayer Shows We Care and Can Prepare for Life and Challenges...

on Wed, 06/07/2017 - 03:21

I learned from that D-Day (Departure Day, one of many during the war when an amphibious venture was made) was on June 6th in 1944. While 160,000 American, Canadian and British military soldiers set out to gain a 50-mile stretch of beach in Normandy, France to gain a foothold for the Allies to defeat the Nazis, many thousands lost their lives storming the beaches (and this was anticipated to be the case.) At dawn with some cover to help protect the men's unanticipated arrival by Hitler (who thought they'd be at Calais), the troops stormed the beaches, with 4413 killed early on.


To FB Kaelan Paton Group and Livfully yes, pretty much the Whole World (you know who you are, I hope!)

on Tue, 06/06/2017 - 03:02

Thinking of All of You and Wishing Everybuddy a Jewel-like June, sparkling in special ways as Kaelan's 8th year in heaven comes round on the 16th.

Walk your path with light and love, a friend and if you are so blessed, little ones in your company and four-legged or other creature friends too, especially barefoot on the earth with some deep breaths and time to relax (as our dear friend now in spirit, Karen Kisslinger, would chime in with ideas to do on the radio at 11 and 11 (am and pm.)

Wink, wink and big smiles from our heavenly crew who likely braved going to help us out more than we know

The Thrill of Hills and Valleys of Apartment, Co-op Living in New You-rk!

on Mon, 06/05/2017 - 09:28

 I don't know if I made up this  'reciprocal' saying, but I think I did. "The People Make the Place...and The Place Makes the People."

How does that resonate with your experience of where you have lived over your life? How about now? Currently the face of Brooklyn is are many neighborhoods in cities and towns across America and other parts of the world.

Please consider these points as insights to concerns people explore before, during and after buying a share in a co-operative apartment complex or other multi-dwelling building or campus.

Ideally a website exploring the

Thanks for the Blessin's and Lessons from All Directions,especially for those caring groups helping youth and families (Faith, Non-protit, even For-Profit, Friends, Schools, Sports, Arts and More!)

on Sun, 06/04/2017 - 14:13

In addition to the many school years wrapping up formally this time of year marks many 'thinking and growth landmarks." Some folks (hopefully each class or grade level of students can get a flyer or email of congratulations..People may go on other paths so it's nice to address the group energy and the individual efforts and wide support for any venture to have proceeded.

This is the time for celebrations with family, friends and communities and even with parties (and Eco-Fairs such as at Compass Charter School in Brooklyn NY) and graduations (hurrah for everyone completing their studies for

"What If I Had A Dream...." A New Foundation to Help Us Think Out Loud and Live More Fully

on Sun, 06/04/2017 - 12:51

While freedom of speech is "an American right", we are getting into a lot of Hot Water, Deep Doo and Big Trouble in our lives when speaking (or tweeting or even blogging, FBing--facebooking, and socializing freely.) In part this trouble is happening because Different Rules and Laws Apply to Where and When one can 'speak freely.' One cannot for instance yell "Fire" in a theatre or public place if there is no fire (and maybe even if there is...I need to google that.) That is because people have been killed in stampedes (even from rock concerts or shopping spree sales without an emergency, so
