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12 Week program (for just under $400 but ask friends and others to pitch in) called The Living Enneagram

on Sat, 03/31/2018 - 19:37

Yes there are programs for free online (talks on youtube and books such as The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Riso and Hudson), but in case you feel you'd like to learn from a set of videos and calls to coach you along might be of interest and huge benefit for yourself and others. Some 'challenges' may help one awaken to the influence of the personality on one's life force (and vice versa.) The website is has much more info. This is something I learned of through The Shift Network and Humanity's Team. I don't know that I'll find the do-re-mi to pursue it at this time but overall it sounds inspiring.

Feel free to post a comment if you take it or on any of the posts. I hope this can be more of a forum for folks who wish they had a blog but didn't have the funds or way to do so over time. Let's get the ideas flowing and the good energies flowing for more folks. Keep in mind the idea and theme of 'Acorns to Oaks", allowing connectioin with one's roots and social systems and finding ways to help the growth and expression balance out 'shadow sides' and hindrances. 'Great oaks from little acorns grow'...which can refer to nurturing ideas, making strides and appreciating one's gifts and more..

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