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12 Years Since Our Heroic CT Teen Son Kaelan Palmer Paton's Save...and Passing with Hope for a Safer Future For All

on Fri, 06/18/2021 - 18:57
To the Editor:
With each season of the year and life, we may reference moving on,
letting go and launching into ventures with new people, places and
projects in mind. Let's not forget the hard-won lessons from the past
as we transition and make the next set of choices including how we use our voices.
"On to the next but not too fast, take time to upgrade with lessons from the past".
How might we share wisdom from P.C.E. Times (Pre-Covid & Earlier Times)?
There are ever more laws  regulating more aspects of parenting, schooling,
relationships, business, mental health and drug issues, aging and caregiving.
 The gap between the laws for relationships, parents or others in custody or
divorce court and those not involved in formalities is too great. Everyone
needs to tune into the idea of 'teamwork, integrity,  and accountability.' 
Saying one thing and doing another, or not following through is a theme
for individuals, pairs of people and larger groupings to explore. Ideally
everyone could check off boxes about what their life routines and safety
entails so a few others would be aware of the game plan and gray areas
to prevent conflict, danger and death.
Everyone in their own families or social groups as well as in a special
community group could be ready to  provide support, and keep ongoing
reports and reviews of allegations, injuries, neglect and fatalities.
 When our teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton drowned helping save his friend
on June 16, 2009 on his last day as a freshman at HVRHS in Falls Village CT,
no reports from parents, teachers or other students were completed. If that had
been a workplace fatality in the US a report would have been required. 
From over the years and in these important times, gratitude for all working
for the common good is shared far and wide.  I commend the CT Regional
Council of Governments (COGs) and information services
which also can be reached by calling 211.
All people can network locally and online (such as learning about NY CDPAP
and The PEACE Program) to improve safety and living plans. Considering
theories of quantum field theory or the afterlife may reframe how we view
the choices made while alive and regarding 'end of life" (EOL) care as well.
 I am happy to network and share ideas in many forums such as my blog  Let US-All opt in to being team players for a better ball game of
life! Hats off to all the school and community groups one season to the next! 
Catherine Palmer Paton, Falls Village CT, 347-471-9209

Blogger on and can be contacted also at

PS For more info, google Kaelan Paton and the post on

this blog

Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton which I've

added to over the years.

There is also a FB page in his memory with sharing

over the years along with

prayers for all to have support early to address

concerns and face challenges

as well as live good lives with a sense of teamwork

and fair play.

Thanks to all who aspire to journey with these values

and honor those who have

crossed over from this mortal realm to the next. Many s

ay there is more than we

understand so helpful to live as if the possibilities for f

orgiveness, healing, learning

and growing in wisdom and kindness are worthwhile for

all to pursue as members

of the human family and friends of plants, animals,

water, soil and the earth as well.