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Abracadabra, Jennifer McLean's cool programs are working some major 'magique' for US All...

on Wed, 07/06/2016 - 23:56

In the midst of receiving many doznes of offers over the past few years to learn about some new trick to get fit, healthy, and otherwise tuned into fabulous opportunities,I got interested in one of the many offers from Jennifer McLean's repertoire. I braved getting her 'free book' (but paid the 10 bucks shipping and handling, a trick of sorts I've heard is common to get people to give e-mail addresses and so on. One free video can often lead to capturing an email.)

I did not mind getting hooked and still haven't read the book Spontaneous Transformation which does look promising. I heard her video chat about the process she has used on phone calls which I signed up for as well. the Elevate Your Life 5 phone calls. The series  "Healing With the Masters" provided an extensive forum for her  or another fellow to interview a dozen or so well-established healers and movers in the healing movement. They've worked with thousands of people so all of this helps spread the word about alternative healing modalities.  

Each informative coach or healer would have a nice offer. I splurged on the Jarrad Hewett one and told a few dozen folks and my Facebook friends about the free talks. I would hope more people could network about alternaitve healing ideas but always let people know as I am now going to do: We or You or I are not giving medical or legal or other kind of advice or counsel. These are things we are sharing as points of interest or what we might want to try or do as individuals by our own personal choice. That goes for my whole blog. This is a lot of 'thinking and sensing' out loud  Pace yourself with any post, use what is helpful and leave the rest.

On that note, I wish everyone a pleasant July 2016. Be sure to register to vote so you can help shape the future of the United States of A-Miracle in November 2016!

 What we intend, feel and think is more powerful than what most of us have been led to believe, so take care with what you ingest o rlet into your social or intellectual fields. One day to the next, check the pulse of your life, check your dreams and goals.

Are they in sync, getting delayed, mixed up, lost or broken? Hopefully with a few tune ups of rest and allowing good energies to flow and let past worries and hurts go (with help as needed and remembering lessons or pacing oneself if work needs doing for restitution, justice and fairness in larger circles even if not in societal ways.. energetically and with care."

The message being shared by an astologist is that we need to find some middle ground, listening and compromising when appropriate yet maintaining key personal boundaries for safety and respect. Many people want to say they recognize another, they care about themselves and others being in balance. Tune in as you can and enjoy each season for a special reason that resonates with your life and soul journey...alone and with others...

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