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"Archelon (a Sea Turtle) Can Eat 100 Million Dead Red Squid and more...even A zilion!, " a 5 year old is declaring...

on Sun, 03/07/2021 - 15:58

Don't worry, the archelon doesn't have a nose and is eating up all the dead stinky squid in the sea of stuffed animals on the living room floor...The plus for all people is that the sea is not stinky now! But there's a stinky red blanket that's causing a problem for arjalon. Now to explain that en francais with colorful squeals and moves to jump over the sea creatures yet them be the archelon, who lives in water all day and maybe on the beach to dry off a bit now and then has fins and not legs, diving down to bite one tasty stinky squid after another makes for a lively adventure, 'n'est-ce pas (isn't that so?) Time for the turtle's nap after the turtle ate enough! Bon Appetit and Sleep! Try making some turtles out of paper and with origami!

In other news I learned from the television this morning.. I heard of the inventor of CRISPR (or thereabouts) about toying with genetic code, literally cutting out a bit here and there as desired and has met what is ethically required officially to have sanctioned use of 'playing with Mother Nature, our DNA and humanity on this level...whether for the good or otherwise." I would hope major zoom talks and transcripts would think through the many What Ifs....

Likely 'someone would have figured things out..." and it happened to be a brilliant woman so that's a big step for womankind to remember the many talents when given a chance and a path. I hear there will be a woman going to the moon too, one who recovered from cancer early in life, so let's remember the power of dreaming and positive thinking and networking!

I want to look up The Legend of Bagger here's what I found about the book Steven Pressfield wrote."During the Great Depression, Georgia socialite Adele Invergordon (Charlize Theron) announces a publicity-garnering high-stakes match at her struggling family golf course, featuring the greatest golfers of the era. Once-promising local golfer Rannulph Junuh (Matt Damon), whose career and life were derailed by World War I, is brought in to play alongside the stars, but his game is weak -- until the enigmatic Bagger Vance (Will Smith) offers to coach him back into the great golfer he once was."

 The book is worth looking into...That's about a mystical journey about Arjuna (representing humanity) seeking guidance in facing a war...comprised of people from his circles... and he gets guidance from Krishna, representing greater wisdom and energy. Check out and get a daily bit of guidance from the book for a whole year. I was inspired to tell my local community about that and will put that here soon.!



"Na rauszu" opowiada historię grupy przyjaciół, nauczycieli szkoły średniej, zainspirowanych teorią, że skromna dawka alkoholu pozwala otworzyć się na świat i lepiej w nim funkcjonować. Nie przewidują jednak skutków, jakie pociągnie za sobą długotrwałe utrzymywanie stałego poziomu promili we krwi – przez cały dzień, również w pracy...

„Na rauszu”, w reżyserii Thomasa Vinterberga, otrzymał nominację do nagrody LUX AUDIENCE AWARD. Ogłoszenie nominacji miało miejsce podczas rozdania Europejskich Nagród Filmowych w Berlinie. Nagrodę przyznaje Parlament Europejski i Europejska Akademia Filmowa we współpracy z Komisją Europejską i siecią kin Europa Cinemas.

5 września br., podczas Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Filmowego w Wenecji została ogłoszona nowa nagroda LUX AUDIENCE AWARD, która łączy w sobie cechy Nagrody LUX Film Prize Parlamentu Europejskiego i nagrody EFA People's Choice Award. Od tej pory na zwycięzcę nowej nagrody będą mogli głosować zarówno eurodeputowani Parlamentu Europejskiego, jak i publiczność.

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