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To Ask or Not to Ask, that is the question...

on Thu, 09/04/2014 - 19:00

On occassion my monetary funds run short of what I'd like to see unfold in my life. I ask the divine to create and fulfill a day for me. I used to think I was to request that the divine deliver a Plan for the Day, but upon re-reading I see he actually suggests to ask for the whole day (planned and fulfilled as part of the bigger picture of living and breathing successfully and somewhat mindfully during  the opportunities and lessons that are part of the day).

  I wanted to share that the idea of Asking for help and money or real assistance with chores or childcare, rides or other needs and goals (taking a class or getting a loan for over 20 dollars,...or up to a few thousand, even from people one knows or strangers is not something many people think should be an option, particulary in certain venues, such as Facebook.

That's what Go Fund Me sites and other such Crowdfunding sites are designed for. One person shared that asking people to pitch in to some personal need or want was akin to having to see someone without clothes (and that is the lighter version of the kind of embarrassment and shame linked to such an action particularly in writing on a forum like Facebook). Maybe it's time we review Miss Manners 2014 and consider what is so 'shaming' in terms of Asking for donations towards something that may be of interest or importance to a person. I have often thought it would be nice to have 'go-to' people in every community that one could check in with regularly, in emails if not other forums such as 'Go To Meeting' sites (I think I heard an ad for a free 30-day trial of a site for conference calls, etc).

For the record, I may be reconsidering the benefit of hypnosis based on what I read on Thinking and Destiny from www.theword While they say it can be helpful, the book also says hypnosis guided by another person could open up one's energy to being more influenced by others than is desirable. Self-hypnosis was their suggestion to learn about and use. There is a sample of saying a verse before opening one's eyes after sleeping at night which directs one's atoms to be healthy and one's mind to be positive I believe. I had wanted to take the training frome and in ways if one has a serious problem maybe that is a fair option in terms of taking the training (for about $2500 until 9-17-14 I think but see their site for their October 9-day training to be a hypnotist) or have a session with their hypnotists.

They report a great deal of success and when women who smoke are pregnant or other people needing to quit smoking or serious drugs or need help to address cancer or other maladies maybe that could be tried or other alternative healing techniques such as or acupuncture and even healing prayer such as at Some of these modalities may seem at odds with each other, but each person can do their own research and assessment to see what may be helpful to themselves and others they want to inform. Always check with your doctor and even other people you may trust such as your faith leader and a few friends and family to see that you are not being pressured or that you have the support you need in evaluating options, including medical ones and even other aspects of your life.

The point is life can be complicated and switch around a lot depending on the IF part and even go towards a LIE (without the f letter in life) when one is feeling the crunch of finding a work-life-budget-relationship balance..and even staying tuned into one's own authentic (honest, considerate, rational and idealistic sides of oneself) voice and actions. Anyone know what I'm trying to describe? Maybe, kind of? I hope so!

 Well, half the solution to solving a problem or challenge is figuring out What it is. In this case of asking for help meeting needs or wants, the context is being explored. Some people may find it most appropriate to ask in a forum specifically designed for such requests. Yet others may not feel they want to 'call too much attention' to their personal requests by broadcasting to strangers and others what some basic needs or hopes are. Same goes for the kinds of requests made (help with housework, caring for people or pets, getting organized..or thrill and oh boy, now the cat's out of the bag that one is not perfect or able for whatever reason to 'keep up with it all in a timely fashion'.

Worth exploring is the idea of matching the skills of people with the needs of people (and some could work out barters directly while others can use a time bank or other kind of 'friendly currency' which I've seen growing in popularity with various degrees of success).  Meanwhile, were there a forum of people willing to help someone assess the many aspects of their life (one friend shared  the idea of Mind Mapping, which reviews where one is putting one's energy and making connections and relationships on various levels to meet one's needs and goals. This kind of process could assess a person's needs and goals on four levels (for starters)--physical health and home, social (relationship with self and other key people one lives with, is in a romantic relationship or family relationship, friends, associates, work and so on), mental (the thinking, reading and keeping track of things one does) and spiritually or the bigger picture of one's energy, dreams and subtler aspects of one's existence.

The other advice this good fellow gave me in an hour's chat in a healthfood store, was to be aware of the process of seeking ideas and guidance outside of oneself that could help one decifer what is going on for oneself versus turning one's whole self over to a teacher, mentor, guru or religious guide who may then mainly be put in the driver's seat of one's life...essentially making it an extension of their life rather than one's own.

There are many traditions for millenia which foster just such a relationship, and I raise the point here to keep the topic open for discussion. I also heard of an online forum (I'll have to search for it on I think about anonymous forums which I think could be helpful in getting discussions going such as I aim to do here on  Apparently that site is not monitored and is allowing postings of nude folks, some famous, on the site and there's not much anyone can do to stop them since The Cloud of what's been posted somewhere on the Internet may be fair game for some to take and rework as they will. I also read about a techie cool woman who was bullied online and even with other threats so decided to end her blog

. What's challenging is that many aspects of our world on the micro and macro level are turning into major power plays and shutting people down who have insights or are trying to help people improve their lot in life. A thankless job maybe, but rather sad for the greater good if droves of people feel hopeless, unworthy, afraid or ashamed to express their thoughts, and yes, to ask for help when they need it. Sometimes one person 'breaking out of the mold' can lead to others gaining confidence or exploring new ideas. Micro loans such as through UNIFEM and other Gifting Circles and more shed light and bridge critical gaps for people and businesses to get up and running.

Towards the end of a radio interview I just heard by good fortune on on the Colin McEnroe show about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles explored a bit of the ripple effect of 'crazy ideas' from one generation to the next. I actually was friends with artist Jim Lawson back in our youth, so I felt the affirmation that our area could inspire talent , small and getting smaller as we are in Falls Village CT (please consider visiting or moving into the area while we still have a stellar public grade school and high school..all age groups needed and appreciated).

  Bring your dreams and practical skills, take in the sights of the Housatonic River (and Falls, but only from a safe distance, pull-ease so we don't need the police and fire rescue workers to risk their lives saving folks as they had to do with my once-upon-a-time real life wonderful teenage ninja boy hero Kaelan Palmer Paton who tried to save his friend but lost his own life moments before a rope rescuer did arrive to give this lucky soul a second chance at living more sensibly, which he thankfully has as have most of the kids in our area. Yet some have taken risks that again pushed the physical limits of their bodies and in one case, the car they were two other teens have headed to heaven and a third is going to jail for a decade or more). Maybe if more youth could be enticed into the realm of fantasy of comic books and making their own creative outlets, the old-school of adrenaline rush and hormonal and chemical drive of risk-taking and danger could fall to more life-sustaining levels.

Thanks for letting me explore these notions and let US-All check out the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie and documentary and get inspired to see the connections between things in our own towns, lives and dreams.. Why not plant a Turtle Garden as described on another post on this blog  (and take time to Talk to the Turtle as in Tur-tell and tell your own story in one form or another)..Some say pick six words to describe yourself or look into journaling on line or on paper, or Facebook to some extent but doing a blog may be more rewarding in ways...yet careful what you share so you are not liable for getting sued and much more like try to get a copyright like the one at the bottom of my pages again by Asking for Help. These are only suggestions and nothing in these posts should be taken as legal or medical advice or direction. Thanks!

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