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Beyond Biological Medicine Talks Free Online Sept 22nd for a bit!

on Wed, 09/23/2020 - 00:41

Hello on this lovely first day of autumn 2020. I hope everyone is doing well in managing their lives and basic ways of staying connecting to people and what is important. Our country, the United States of America, is facing the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg,  COVID19 related deaths topping 200K and the announcement of the Trump's Supreme Court Justice candidate this Saturday by 5pm, one of two qualified women about 50 years old.

Then of course, the next Presidential election on November 3rd, 2020 is being discussed, primarily with ways to register to vote by mail or in another secure fashion. With all of that going on it seems as good a time as any to pay attention to our health, so we can stay in the game of life and participate in voting and seeing a brighter future unfold as a country.

See what's offered online and in other forums, starting with the free Beyond Biological Medicine program and others shared on this blog. I'll be voting Democratic by the way as will most in my circles, how about you?

I'll explore and explain more but with many concerned about corporate values and profits trumping the rights of common people and our economy, that's one of the main concerns, with the earth's natural resources and even the air we breathe (and Climate Change Concerns) weighing heavily on humanity's mind in our country and in the wider world as well

. We really need to remember we have one earth and work with 'one heart' to heal the serious wounds of the past on many levels, socially, politically and environmentally and even with a lack of education about basic health and preventing poor living habits which factor into needless trends of poor health.

There's plenty to pay attention to and even a lot to imagine in creative, caring ways as healing and improving. Okay now to hear a bit of the programs online. It all matters and yet needs to be enjoyed and practiced as they say, "one day at a time!"