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Cassie Vieten of Noetic Sciences on Humanity's Team, free transcript. Joining HT for $10/month may be a gift that keeps giving to you and yours with access to many programs

on Sat, 12/10/2016 - 17:11

After that title, who needs a blog post? Just hoping to share that I am excited about many cool free online programs..and yes, some that cost a little something or more. Usually there are free trials or refunds, and I am exploring one of Mary Morrissey's programs (DreamBuilder) along those lines. I was thinking it would help me teach others some key concepts, and many I have bumped into before (and often.)

What I appreciate for starters is all the hand-holding and reminders...and the short summaries both before and after the quick videos (5 minutes or so for the first 10 Steps.) A rather common concept she reminds people of is so Think About What One is Learning, Try things out a litte at a time, See how ideas apply to one's life.

Not as easily done as one may think. Reminder checklists that are written down on a calendar or in One Big Notebook is an idea my Mom had over decades of doing hairdressing. she would actually use a ruler in a new way by making long columns on a page from the left to the right of two open pages in a lined spiral bound notebook.

She would do 14 columns, as in one for each day of the week on the open pages. Was she clever or what?! Then she'd put the day of the week and number at the top of the page, and 'wait for it..." the Time of the Day on the far left hand column for morning, afternoon and evening. She'd put in the time of her hairdressing appointments and other key notes on the page, and as far as I know never missed a beat. That was with oodles of kids to raise and much more to do on the side (weekly or more church services, granted rather predictable Catholic ones, but often with a trip to the store or a visit with someone informally.)

Now back to the great thinkers sharing their insights or talents. Jennifer McLean is frequently giving out inspiring interviews with cool healers like Debora Wayne, Julie Renee, and Many More, even Jarrad Hewatt (I'm still trying to get the spelling of his name right but there's only one if you google him.) He's been on a show with Darius B. who, like Lisa Garr and a few others I've bumped into are covering the gamut of ways to think about everything.

I would like to create a Whose Who list with bios to help people feel welcomed into that world of alternative thinkers (while free speech is mostly still legal but likely won't be for long and doesn't come with any guarantees that it 'may and can be used against you in a court of law or even while allegedly needing to face charges.)

I just read a New Yorker Magazine article about a few family members from Florida who were held for many months in solitary, separately from each other, for allegedly giving money to the unsavory folks abroad (don't want to redflag anyone by spelling That out.) One elderly father did not speak English well and his grown son had to shout out directions for him from a nearby stall for his strip search.

How humiliating. In the end the family said that their's was a 'baloney case', an erroneous if not contrived case with no factual basis. The  names Hussein and Hussain were confused so that a more dangerous person was mistaken for one who was a biology teacher. The term 'the thing' was implicating a funding stream instead of a list of schools a friend could apply to in the US as a nursing student. Good grief! What is really a Crime is that No One is Told "they Can be NEXT!" No reason in the new reason for just about anything to 'happen or go down' in terms of having raids, spying, stop and frisk type events..and Watch Out if you go Anywhere Near a Divorce or Custody Court.

You can Expect to have Your Kids put in jeapordy as you are put under severe scrutiny (pun intended though not just one's knees may buckle.) Again, even Having a Child or Being Pregnant can land you in the Sites of Who-Knows-What. I wish I were exaggerating, but I know I'm not from the national reviews of Courts, Judges, Child Protective Agencies and Auxillary Services--psychologists, medical folks, even domestic violence advocates.

No one will tell you How they Need to play the game or their roles..and many Do Not Know, so How could they begin to inform you?! The widest, weirdest GAP is between Parents In Court and Parents Out of Court (or the Systems). Day and Night. Freedom and No Freedom or even Justice... necessarily. Those outside of the courts don't know or care about what Could Await Them.

Parents in Court are so overwhelmed they have no time or energy to consider how unfairly they are being treated. Strangely just when the time has arrived for ALL Parents to Clean House and Figure out PLANS to be accountable (which NPO, National Parents Organization, aspires to do in part but actually may be more of a father's rights agenda so extreme caution and some group reviewing what they are doing with leaps and bounds is in order.

Top on their agenda is to make a standard for all states to assume Joint Custody of Kids which may sound fair but again statistically is not proving safe or wise on many fronts, according to Barry Goldstein and

Much research over decades by brave advocates such as Wendy Murphy, an attorney who has been key in initiating movements for safer college campuses and many other policies, shows we have a long way to go to Educate The Public about these Matters in a Timely Manner. Parents (and Couples in General who are also likely not aware of abuse, legal implications financially and in terms of owning property together or making health decisions depending on what state they live in...and what state their relationship is in or may become more like over time...) are often left in the dark about critical information.

This blog tries to piece a lot together. Mainly I aspire to give positive resources, but we really need to know 'what's what' and have a team of support to do what we know would be 'honest, above-board, safe' and so on. And we don't seem to have the interest or energy to do our collective research and share that with each other.

Quite the opposite, we keep privacy at a premium and tune out even if people show they need help or are in trouble or danger. NIMBY--Not in My Back Yard is the mantra...and yet the world is growing smaller and groaning louder such that we all have to be willing to face the music more than in the past. Okay, back to some positive healing simple gratitude, belief in help from the world, nature, the divine..and yes whatever particular faith can help you feel valued alongside the inherent worth of others as well.

Then there may be 'new energies' coming onto the planet, such as described by  The Reconnection book by Eric Pearl (and the site They suggest not mixing modalities which is worth noting and sharing as may help others understand what that would look like. Many people however promote an array of meditation or similar types of quiet but energy programs such as The Hu outreach (or the Eck Foundation) gives out some free information which included the idea to not pray for a particular outcome for someone since that person may have a karmic or soul path which includes a variety of experiences. Dr. Sha (at may also have views about whether one could or should try to effect another's health or life journey. He has often said that he has been given permission from the Divine.

Of course, most religions feel they have one or an exclusive line to the Divine, healing or other major parts of one's life (relationships, laws for living and so on.) Being familiar with the particulars and the practical reasons could help build bridges of understanding. Generally people are aspiring to live in balanced ways, that promote basic health and well-being, respect and support for one another. The whole realm of romantic or involved relationships deserves more consideration and again is covered on this blog and many other sites online. Good luck as shopping or gifting yourself and others some positive ideas and people to connect with online or even socially over the winter and into 2017 and beyond.

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