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on Sun, 07/22/2018 - 17:08

#CheckWithOwnerOrParentBeforeTossingOrGoing-CWOOPBTOG is the full title of this post.

Hello Everybuddy in the Big World both cyber and 3-D. This post started about Stuff, important earthly things we don't want to lose by mistake due to someone giving them away or throwing them out by mistake. Think that's not likely to happen? Too many sad tales and lost goods to count even among your friends and family if you but ask. 

So to Prevent That kind of calamity, here's a post I shared on the NW Chatter...I wrote a long response, only to lose It by mistake.. Okay, so the idea was to promote 'Check Before You Load or Toss Something to be sure the Owner of the Items is Ready to Let Go'. A sign at the Transfer Station and in every home could prevent such mishaps. The other idea was to try to recall the items and let others donate (maybe from their own supplies or with funds) to replenish much of the collection.

I try to take photos of the books I have since I don't want to forget and many are in boxes. I also recounted some 'lost to mishaps' by having nice sweaters in a black garbage bag for a trip..that got tossed as trash--I'm almost over it about 20 years later... and let's see, oh yes, driving by mistake with a big bag of trash on the roof of my car since I forgot to put it in a trash bin..too busy but thankfully no one got hurt including a friend from the next town over behind me as I drove downhill on Route 4 thinking it was a strange way to take my garbage to the dump..

This wisdom of  #CheckWithOwnerOrParentBeforeTossingOrGoing-CWOOPBTOG, #CWOOPBTOG pertains to all important items, food stuffs, pets, children, friends and important papers and receipts...etc! Thanks for sharing and saving people headaches, heartaches and downward spirals of danger and calamities. Also we will find there could be more upward spirals of planning, protection and productive efforts and uses of time and networking! Gracias!

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