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Connecting With Others in CT, Men, Women, Children , Others and Communities

on Fri, 10/21/2022 - 02:48

There was a special gathering  of a few hundred people with Indigenous Leaders and Supporters in Great Barrington MA on October 10th, 2022, to honor the people of this country and around the world who lost their lives and property to those who colonized and put survivors in peril. We heard their concerns and grew to share them with the hours of sharing and recognizing many have been seeking justive for wrongs done to all Native People who did not deserve to have their land conquered 'just because some felt they had the right to do so."

I have heard some argue that 'might makes right' is just the way things got done in the past and could prove to still be the modus operandi even if done more stealthfully with behind the scenes wheeling and dealing. That's not a very cheerful thought as some are upping their generosity such as the former spouse of Jeff Bezos, MacKenzie Scott. From Wikipedia MacKenzie Scott is an American novelist and philanthropist. As of September 2022, she has a net worth of US$33.4 billion, owing to a 4% stake in Amazon, the company founded by her ex-husband Jeff Bezos. As such, Scott is the third-wealthiest woman in the United States and the 21st-wealthiest individual in the world.

Recently MacKenzie Scott generously donated $84 Million to the Girl Souts of America, including special designations to 29 councils. CT has one GS Council based in Harfford that serves the entire state. They received $2.4 million they let me know when I called to congratulate them and hopefully renew ties with them before long. 

With the shared attention and concern for the Bristol CT police officers having lost their lives, more people are remembering other kinds of tragic or difficult losses as well as others who have journeyed on. We can take a moment and reflect on the recent news of the CT Sandy Hook loss of the school children and teachers, and realize the tragic outcome as well for the person responsible for the shooting as someone many knew about but missed clear warning signs or ways to monitor the situation even with a parent living with him, who also sadly succumbed to his violence. The loss of many killed by gun violence is highlighted in some high profile cases such as that of Carey Gabay of NY whose family is keeping a foundation going as NY offers a scholarship in his name as well.

These people in the spotlight represent hundreds and thousands of 'mostly faceless' victims in the press, some that hardly make a headline I have heard their families say, and do not have support sometimes even for the unexpected funeral costs. Overall with the #BlackLivesMatter Movement we have come to a higher understanding of the generational crime and setback posed for most people of color.

With the gender gap, women often earning far less than men and also bearing the responsibility and costs of child-bearing and raising them, the odds are stacked against a major shift soon.

Yet with the Voting In November opportunties that is exactly when more people can help others have a say in keeping and improving basic food security, help for heating homes if they are fortunate enough to have them and much more.

Now here's getting back to being inspired and living better as team players to respect all that we are going through locally and in larger forums around the US and the world.

 I met wonderful people and was honored to be part of in an exhibit of inspiring women of CT that was at the Capitol Legislative Building for a couple of weeks in March 2022. International Woman's Day is March 8th and events are planned throughout the month around the world and online to celebrate that so mark your calendars. Why not have one for Men, for "others" and Kids too, maybe plants,animals, pets and a big one for The Planet (Earth Day is in April so worth noting that too. )

The link to the portrait photo exhibit called "Women Who Inspire Us" is and other shows are also worth sharing. (I didn't find it when I checked but will post soon or feel free to see the exhibit from 2021 which is on the main website.)

By the way I am the fifth one down in the online group woth my shoulder length white hair, dark eyes and brows and a smile, wearing a black skirt and royal blue top with my hands held to my heart as a pose I have found helpful and is a signal to myself and others to practice self-care and respect in balanced ways. Holding hands over my heart also helps me feel connected to everyone in a healing way. I hope that can be something more people take time to try or work into their own photos as families and friends or larger groups too..It really is a gem of a pose and can help us feel peaceful and even happy. I won't tell if yout try it for a minute right now!

There is a lot of focus on the wisdom of our heart area (chakra meaing energy center, the actual wonders of our amazing hearts...maybe we should be called Heart Beings as much as "hu"man beings. Many say "hu" is about the energy of our beings. speaks to many benefits of focusing on our hearts with our eyes closed and our hand on our heart before going to sleep and when waking up before opening our eyes.

There's more about that on his site and a few highlights mentioned here on my but one tip is 'not to jump out of bed and start exercising but rather to allow one's body and blood pressure to transition more smoothly before getting into or out of bed. When feeling emotional or to get centered and calm, simply breathing calmly and placing a hand on one's heart can do the trick to centering oneself.

Even if crying or feeling upset, it can anchor one's sense of control and support. With permission one person may encourage another to calm themselves in that way as well, especially a younger person or child or an elder or someone needing care.

In addition at there are stories and some photos as well in various programs, one called "In Her Own Words" of women from the Salisbury area, many of whom made strides in their fields and have volunteered. There was also a tribute to Essential Workers (and yes I got to represent SEIU1199 as a homebased care provider. I did the portrait project with Rebecca Rose Fine Portraits based in Colchester to encourage more awareness of homecare needs and the people we serve as well.

There are some more challenges to doing that than I realized even over my many decades of caring for others, so I explore those concerns and help warn people accordingly, on other posts about making it clear everyone needs to have more of a 'team mindset' with a few people in addition to one's POA, Power of Attorney or close capable family member who can advocate for someone even regarding hiring or firing caregivers or having tenants or exchanges set up.

There are also many rules and regulations from many parts of society it would be helpful to learn about well in advance with 'preterm agreement' samples online (such as from for parenting plans which everyone caring for someone whether as parents, caregivers or other roles could Voluntarily use to Craft Clear Safety Plans and Review and Follow With Support Regularly.

Thanks to all working toward these shared goals of offering support and guidance no matter what season of life one is in. On Good Morning America on 10/20/2022 there was a gift made of $1 Million to Dr. O of Michigan for his program that helps people learn to see where society needs to improve about helping people with disabilities in many areas of their life and physical support.

He was headed to be a specialist after medical school yet became injured and needed to push himself to do what no one thought would be possible for him to regain good use of his limbs.

He developed programs in athletics and says all he does is due to a team effort of many funders and support people and managers working together to help all people in our country and even inspire those around the world.

He hailed from Nigeria as a child but grew up on the US. So many meaningful stories outweigh the constant "negative news cycle" so hopefully we can join the winning ideas and teams to promote those, such as the idea Dr. O shared on today's show.

It won't be a cake walk but a meaningful mountaintop to reach when we strive to see more people treated with support and opportunities without making someone struggle to ask and receive what they need, especially in the way of friendship (and with safety in mind, consider those who may be unstable may not have control over how they are viewing people or things so to proceed with caution but also hope for a brighter path for them and all involved going forward.

"Forgiveness" ideas and practices such as discussed by Eileen Epperson of Salisbury CT and many others in their work and outreach is something more people can learn about to be aware and practical in addressing the hurt and harm they have experienced, not forgetting or foregoing compensation if that is in order, but moving with support and more tools to comprehend the feelings and process of managing difficulties and more.

Thanks for thinking on these things as about 50K are expected to gather for a service for the two heroic police who lost their lives on October 12th, 2022. I'm sure many will be paying tribute as well to the courageous skillful action of Officer Alec Iurati who was able to 'stop the madness' and yet did so with a shot that proved fatal. We won't be able to hear what Nicholas Brutcher was 'thinking' or if he was likely very much under the influence of alcohol or it he had a longtime grudge or pattern of dangerous behavior and threats. 

Perhaps the surviving brother Nathan can shed some light on what was transpiring and whether they were in on the escapade in a joint effort or if he was being forced to go along with a plan.

These kinds of scenarios may indicate the strong need to pay attention to family or social dynamics at any level and to take violations of social norms and boundaries seriously...and the victims of such episodes may not know how to ask for help and identify the problems, so that is a big area that can stand improvement. Thank you to all serving over the months and years to keep our communities functioning and as safe as possible with reasonable steps and ways to monitor areas and again one's own sense of support and care.Every person matters and this is a wake up call when it comes time to vote in November to show one another we do want to improve our country and each state with protections for all including for health and choice to have a pregnancy termintated in the first few months or as the former laws allowed but also with more assurance for help for any person wanting to keep a pregnancy and have support for caring for the child without having to give the child up for adoption unless wanting to do so.

Many laws are in place that parents should be informed about to understand that parenting and caregiving are more closely monitored by many agencies and forums to have safe living and support for all children to meet basic guidelines. So, yes, 'it's complicated' is just the tip of the iceberg. Now for a good night's rest and feeling more sympathy as we make the most of having so many gather and everyone take a moment or more at 11am on 10/21/2022 to join in solidarity with the families and communities mourning Officers DeMonte and Hamzy.