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Doe-A-Deer Chakra Clearing Song..shares Jen McLean on her free talks Yet More Discussion about Domestic Abuse needed to help the Systems Respond Appropriately

on Sun, 12/18/2016 - 14:28

 Jennifer McLean is braving a lot of sensitive, serious territory. She promotes the ideas of Carl Jung's sense of 'we are one, we are each contributing to the whole in a unique way." She also uses the idea that we are each a puzzle piece that  is informed by our soul's expression of divinity. She highlights the uniqueness of each person, their special mix of physicality, mental and emotional thoughts and experiences and then uses a 'cognitive process' of talking with 'encoded words' for our minds to think on that and then to energetically help process things to allow one's heart (or spirit) to be one's guide.

I have had a similar set of ideas though really got more convinced that people in the universities and professional worlds had all the answers and exact therapies to help people get balanced in clear. Anyone laughing out loud when thinking of the huge amounts of money and endless regulations that might make it impossible for such folks to do more than complicate matters, keep people confused or throw drugs at them willy-nilly?

Every once in a while there likely are nice people who wanted to help others at one point, but likely got drowned in paper work and insurance guidelines that lock people into little niches. Interventions were practically outlawed, even when blatantly needed, such as in more revealing research by The Center for Judicial Excellence. They have been revealing trends around the country where among the 35 million people (that we know of ) experiencing domestic abuse, there were people in court systems who were violent against women and kids and yet won Sole or Primary custody or unsupervised visitation (let's call that 1SC, 2PC (with Joint or Shared Custody 3JC or 3 SC) or 2UV.

Too often minors were hurt or killed (as often were the adult victims and even the perpetrators often ending their own lives.) Also 20% of DV fatalities in 2009 I believe involved people other than the primary victims, such as relatives, responders and bystanders. Pretty much we need a massive education about abuse, control dynamics, pleaser or victim personalities and experiences and much more. Okay, so Jennifer McLean is all about stepping outside of our experiences in the past and feeling more 'stillness, neutrality and safety'. The idea that others have to change or something needs to happen for me to be happy or safe is one that she describes as needing control others.

She says 'the mind or lower self' is not claiming its full power. As we grow in our ability to respond, then we will find inner strength and wisdom and guidance. I think it'd be very important for her to review more aspects of the current domestic abuse and crime systems so when people try reasonable, even assertive actions and get put-down and turned around, she could validate that is not appropriate. I tried to bring that up during a forum and was blocked..but hope to address it another time. Her ideas are healing but the ways to implement effectively with what our society has going on is what more progressive activists are shining a light on. Okay, all helpful. At least the new ideas are out there for all of us to use as we may Make the Time to do. Hugs and health and healing to all throughout this transtion from one year to the next, and at the time of the winter solstice and many holidays... 

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