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Explore Options for Yourself and Others at and (in CT)

on Sun, 08/02/2020 - 00:16

 By now almost everybuddy has heard that 'things are changing' and it may be time to start working in a new way or new field. There have been loans made to many through the COVID programs. It's worth a google whether starting a business or keeping one going (even as an independent contractor...)

Good luck doing some research online and talking to others to see about applying for a loan, grant or other business support and guidance. Some funds may be forgiven or not need to be paid back right away. I'll try to share more here but wanted to encourage others. I know some who filled out an application and then next thing they knew, a thousand dollars showed up as a loan in their bank.

Take time to learn about YNAB, You Need A Budget type software and information. is free and other sites may offer plenty of guidance. Getting a couple of people one can be honest and checking in with about any plans or purchases can be a wise move. Be accountable for the plan and any money as you can. Jot things down in writing, tell someone you trust who can do that for you, maybe get an accountant and other basic financial literacy skills (which were not taught in school for decades and may still be lacking...)

Most people are tuning into 'mindset' and awareness that our early experiences and messages make a Big Impression, but we may not be aware of the Impact of that over the course of our lives. See more online TED talks and free programs to get growing in a positive direction with good self-talk and self-care. Hope that's helpful...and I need to take a lot of my own good advice...easier said than done but good to head in that direction.