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FB Group Page Entry for Our Kaelan Paton hero in heaven...

on Wed, 01/06/2016 - 22:15

Happy Would-A Been 23rd Birthday on Earth, Kaelan whose forever wise, loving and courageous in our hearts... A Special Trip to NYC found me reading the One Last Time book by John Edward.

What a treat but often moving to a beat that was as heavenly as earthly and keeping my mind on track of how we are all learning and pursuing goals and causes, relationships, friendships and welcoming new ones on to plan-it heart as though in some Shakespearean meaningful play.

Okay, the 'hits' from the book came in every chapter (and I'm not quite done yet, felt a bit like the Jumanji Game where one turn opened up new realms of info.) A set of kids from DC were going back to from a visit with their grandparents, how sweet. They they were skyping on the cell phone with a cousin, how cool. Like getting messages from 'other realms',the analogy of being entrained to receive messages and more from others still,even hearing voices and seeing images in dreams or pictures or yes, in person when awake were all spelled out by John Edward.

I never saw his show and realize 'it takes a while, maybe a decade or two, to tune into these things.' Life experiences count too. Likely your passing now tops for many of your friends as wake up calls and challenges to face with love and follow through of keeping lessons and love of life in mind.

The words 'be you to full' played out in ways that sounded like you saying 'don't forget who you each are', and the title of Carole King's Broadway show is Beautiful. Many other meanings kept unfolding such as living one's life up to the last moment when it's time to cross over in such a way there's love, faith, and trust in reconnecting with the divine, one's soul's journey and being at peace..and it takes a lifetime but that is what we are each given and pursue, even if cut short in our estimation...maybe next time things will play out differently.

The real tragedy after feeling there's not enough time is to realize how human anguish snuffs out the human spirit or causes such suffering. That's something more of us could work toward amending with teamwork and safety, care in groups for living (a sangha or community is one way to think of crafting a life not only in a single family unit separate from many resources). We all need help whether watching our blood sugars (getting that A1C checked before the fasting blood sugars merit it so check the site of Amn diabetes for advocacy for oneself and others.)

Our blood streams are the rivers of life that we need to know more about in addition to watching for dAnger of all kinds. I still hope to grow up good outreaches and welcome support from others and agencies to re-envision our communities with a focus on the people not only the properties and job possibilities..people first, and the rest will follow (and keeping in mind people have soul's and spirits as well as bodies can help us go easy on the costly way of living and enjoy sustainable practices for the many...)

Okay, plenty more and some on the livfully blog where people can also chime in on ideas to enhance one's daily life,community, school, travel and more..thanks a bundle and biggamundo hugs from heaven to all the crew earth-heartside too.

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