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From festive Open House at LIU (Long Island University in Brooklyn NY) to Inspiration from Marilyn Jenette (on

on Mon, 11/14/2016 - 03:48

During a chance to enjoy the Open House (which I noticed yesterday was happening when I passed by on my way to a permaculture program) at the downtown Brooklyn location of LIU, Long Island Universtiy, I got to meet a nice handful of professors (in the nursing department to appreciate our unsund heroes and heroines who pursue this work) as well as eager students, both new and returning.

Remarkably they have over two hundred spots for students to enroll on an open basis if they meet the criteria. The early bird gets the spot (if there were only one as long as both meet the minimum requirements.)

I found it inspiring to know what is happening behind the walls of the colleges that many attend. It takes good grades and grit, and I would add, a lot of grace in the form of people helping students succeed in the early years of their studies in grade school and high school.

A coach, a mentor.some go-to people and friends who actually sit down and talk regularly with the students from about 5th grade on (f not sooner) about Possibilities (STEM, science, technology, engineering and math for all young minds to be encouraged to learn about online and in the classrooms and through practical programs such as Lego Robotics and the more formal Robotics programs such as FIRST.)

Then there's Computer Science which in many ways is the new language and design tool for the masses. Global Studies at LIU would have a student learning two languages to 'get by' and visit many countries in the span of four years. It may be worth visiting the websites of whichever colleges are in your area, which may be helpful to know about for yourself or students you can help (your own or others), and to get inspired. Toastmasters International meets at many locations, and some colleges sponsor a program (which is likely a great win-win.

 I hope to find out before long about the one at LIU, so stay tuned.) While I loved my years at Vassar, I had thought of pursuing nursing, yet realized a bit late, that was not offered and without someone 'hounding me and guiding me' I likely missed that cool opportunity that I know many found a way, practically swimming upstream like the salmon to get to their goal. Still, many ideas on this blog explore the field of health, care and beyond (and really Before, as in promoting Community Health Educators, CHEs in case we need an official sounding name and abbreviation. At least some online recommendations for learning basic CNA and Home Health Aide care could be made for youth in middle school so they could consider pursuing a bit more in high school (such as an actual CNA, or Certified Nursing Assistant) to have 'some job' and hopefully ways to use it in various supervised settings (nursing homes, senior centers and hospitals before braving homecare unless they are feeling they really have back up and are doing 'easy cases ideally with another competent adult present'.

Those are my free recommendations as well as teens waiting to be 18 before driving alone, even it the obtain their licenses earlier. Likely a year of pacing one's studies and hobbies, learning nuances for travelling in various kinds of weather and enjoying life would indicate reasons to put off the responsibility, and avoid the other minors who may be inexperienced or reckless or both (and yes, that can be the case for drivers of any age, and many of them are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other stress, legal or illegal, so again, those are reasons to take the easy road to adulthood. No pressure to drive when in college alone either hopefully though commuting is a way of life in some places.

Still, maybe more folks could car pool with adult drivers and focus on the studies (and not worry about working too much to pay for cars and extras when the investment in college is so large. Youth working all summer to contribute  a few or more thousand to college may not be ideal either..when can they have b-r-e-a-k? Just sayin' Also likely more support from Communities and even High Schools (clubs and associated networks, like Rotary, Lions Clubs, Libraries and Faith Groups) could encourage engagement in learning and networking for all youth and young adults and on through the 20s if not with each decade. Ideally colleges which 'have so much and intend to do so much good' could find ways to nurture the networking and enrichnent across the life span. Some do with adult learning but a lot more evidence is showing social connections enhance health and well-being on many metrics or in many areas. 

The world really seemed at the student's fingertips.  I met a nice woman from Harlem, again among a handful of kind folks, who was thinking of returning to do nursing since she felt she knew what it would take and had already pursued a master's in a people-oriented field. We felt like old college buds by the time we hugged goodbye.

After the dinner of building community among people from the Muslim community at the Unitarian Church the night before, which was flooded wtih good food and love as well as clearly spoken goals for safety and peace for all in the New York area and beyond, it was helpful to know thousands more are pursuing education and careers to make the world a groovier, safer place. Same goes for the outreach at the Brooklyn Commons with endless activism to help the oppressed, the depressed and even the successed really find ways to share the wisdom and wealth, such as through the Permaculture Outreach and Trainings.

Likely she will need to 'do the math'. However the program I heard tonight on with Marilyn Jenette was speaking to the idea of 'feeling you already have what you want' rather than feeling you have to pursue it. I'll dream with that in mind tonight. She has books about to be published (which can be pre-ordered and likely would be a welcome gift for others as well as oneself.)

I took notes on the free program and will benefit from her sharing as have many hundreds, even thousands of people. She and a host of other encouraging teachers and energy workers keep me inspired. Most convey the sense that we are part of a loving flow and divine, intelligent universe with a guiding source of wisdom often described as unconditional love.

Hope that feels like a massage to one's's been quite a month and year for US-All and the world at large, a bit more challenging than the norm. Growth opportunities anyone? Safe passage to the future with some options to stabilize turbulence should that come one's way. This week on there was a notice about a four-day free online talk on the afterlife, so hope to tune into that and share some possibilities.

All in G-d's time and with grace for us HUman beings. I got to hear the free CD about Hu, the healing sound when sung and helpful in times to relax alone or benefit in groups. See their information for more details. Many of these programs 'work with whatever religion or spiritual practice you may have going so consider the benefits.'

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