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A few of my poems and songs from over the years..I need to find them but want to remind myself to do so!

on Thu, 09/22/2016 - 04:04

All Your Bright Tomorrows (song, by Catherine Palmer Paton, inspired at a picnic with friends with kite-flying and kids running about trying fo fly said kites in Sharon CT)  


 All Your Bright Tomorrows begin with a single step, a single step. All your bright tomorrows begin today. 
( Verse 1) People sharing a picnic, flying kites on a hill.  Hear the children laughing, their spirits soaring still. (Chorus) 

See the leaves a changin'. Soon the cold winds will blow. Winter's surely coming yet surely it will go! (Chorus)

Gather round the fire, winter, summer or fall. Let your songs come dancing. Welcome them one and all!

ABC-CBA song, by Catherine Palmer Paton written for Adaline 

ABC-CBA That's the way we like to play

DEF-FED When we're fed we're as happy as can be

GHI-IHG G says, "Hi", and "Hi" to G!

JKL-LKJ Jackal's in the well but he's okay

MNO-ONM  M says, "No" but wer'e on to "M'

PQR-RQP You're a cutie pie, you are Quite Pretty

STU-UTS A student that studies passes the test

VWX-XWV A VW Bus stops very nicely

Y and Z, Z and Y  You and I are zany and zoo wonder why (See. That's why I like my ABZs)

 Housatonic Railroad Song by Catherine Palmer Paton

(Chorus) H-o-u-s-a-t-o-n  "I" add the Caboose, "C" and away we go!

(V1)Chugging down the river down toward the sea, I hop aboard and feel happy and free. 

(V2)All aboard, let's count to 3. Then blow the whistle loudly through the country.

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