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Final Score of US Presidential Electoral Votes:Trump 290, Clinton 228--Who'd Da Believed It? And the Dream I just Had...

on Wed, 11/09/2016 - 13:08

Let me start with a dream I just remembered having before I woke up. My grade school friends, now grown along with others, were serving breakfast to everyone in my small town but only about a dozen folks were at the small rectangular tables. That was a decent showing for such a town and the day was young. The breakfast for all was where the grocery store in town used to be, the center of Main Street )opposite now a remodeled church that serves as the Children's Theater Space and is actually called The Center on Main. 

In my dream, my eighth grade friends, now in their early 50s like me, were showing up. One had an adorable baby with very blue eyes. When I said I thought the Mom always had dark eyes so that was a surprise about the color of the eyes, she looked up at me and smiled with the brightest blue eyes I had seen that matched her baby's. Mind you, the baby was about six months old and my friend not only was in her 50s but was weak from a condition that resulted in her being in a wheelchair.

In my dream I thought of how that could be and recalled her Mom who was an amazing caregiver and helped all of us learn homemaking skills in her 'spare time' had passed recent years, in real life, as had one of her sisters, so maybe that was a sign of their mother's (and nice sister's) heavenly love shining through.

(An after thought, how many of us are really able to appreciate who is in our lives in terms of the family trees we were born into, hopefully had mostly good experiences in and some learning about life stuff too which can give us insight into other family dynamics and what makes the world work or not work anywhere in the world. People are similar yet the personal stories and collective ones can mushroom out of control and particularly when following a leader or group blindly, very bad schtuff can happen 'seemingly out of nowhere'. Let's try to be open enough to think about a trend or person, groups--yes, like Citizens United, and have more public talks and education to help everyone See and Comprehend Negative and Dangerous Trends.Now back to my dream..)

At one point my friend looked away and in the shadows it seemed her eyes were dark, or at least one was. Could someone have one blue eye and one dark eye?  Before I could figure that out, she assured me her eyes had always been blue and then her partner joined her and I moved to let them sit down as a family and enjoy the start of the day.

Another person also was weak and being served by a more energetic, fit classmate. I thought 'so this is how things are turnding out. we are still a class and helping each other even though some people have had big health challenges and need a lot of assistance.' A group of generous folks came by dressed in simple robe costumes like men of old, sharing tales of interest and giving out gifts, like a group of undercover Santas. Who could use a little extra cheer, maybe a present or extra spending money? 

They seemed to blend into the general sense of a public friendly gathering. When one wanted to go into some depth about a moral story and used a louder voice, he basically went outside where a crowd was milling about and those who wanted to listen gathered around him.

Eventually I was feeling there wasn't much space to sit and it was time to serve or otherwise move along. But it was good to see my friends there and Ithought of where others from my class were. One was out West, another down South and many busy to the point they likely would not know about this kind of event or choose to attend.

Still, I thought they'd be happy enough to know it happened and maybe think about the old times when we shared 9 years together in grade school back in the late 1960s and through 1977 when we had a memorable rainbow-themed graduation (for which I had a simple cotton dress that had rainbow vertical stripes flowing from my navy blue tube top dress while another artistic friend wore pure white and carried red roses.

I do have photos of that time, so my memory is aided by that, yet the love and good times that we shared (with some drama mixed in but mostly very cool friendships for the time of only telephone and a couple days of sports after school, no typewriters and many other simpler ways of existing) are something that still lights me up with a sense of j'oie de vivre (for of living.)

I have to draw on that dream now as I face the news, which came at the end of my dream too, that Trump really won the Presidency. Now what will that mean to each person, particularly working class or middle class? One fellow I met shared he was convinced Trump will only do things to benefit the wealthy and the rest of the country will be damned. He was visibly disturbed and talked for a couple city blocks before our paths parted.

Now that I have woken up I am hopeful people will realize how important it is to do legwork early on, maybe even four years Before an Election, to put forth valid plans with a track record of how to Help One Another understand Options to obtain basics and pursue a balanced life of work, home, relationships and self-care and growth, save for the future and again, find meaningful networks online and in person. 

I hope to watch the talk again last night, and knowing where she's going likely I will appreciate her comments more readily. she is smart and late at night it takes a little extra brain power to catch up. It would be nice if there could be a transcript of each talk so folks could breeze through it.

With The Jewel Story by Catherine Palmer Paton (myself..) I have it out on audio(just google the title and my name) and also hope to get the print version online out soon. What was a dream to share it with the world over 2 decades ago became a reality and the story of hope and trust that we have a deeper humanity and spirit that binds us together and that can shine forth if we focus on that inner goodness (and yes, divinity) is a message Marianne highlighted as well.

There is another part of the story I did not get recorded that touches on that, with the idea as loving people have and rear new people, (aka babies) the love is shared as are friends helping each other and trusting in the growth process. We need to do all that in a big way with this new day and era upon us. We are being called to rise to the occassion to transform the parts of our society that are not working well with a vision and teamwork of confidence rather than wallow in divisiveness and fear. Marianne also explored that as the path we should want to set foot upon this day and each day going forward, starting with tuning into gratitude and our spiritual side and connection with the Divine. That process can help shape our thought forms and allow the right people and circumstances to come our way for our growth. 

I was able to help someone, a woman in tears actually, get $42 to get a bus (Chinese taxi) from Manhattan to Pennsylvania to go to her mother Gina's funeral today.Thanks to the cool well-heeled fellow who gave twenty bucks after I got down to talk to her and was helping her up and asking out loud if anyone would please donate to help her. I mentioned I was going to but did not really have the funds (on top of about 300 over the last nine months I've helped folks--mostly strangers, but very needy people with, generally a couple of dollars but a few with a 20 for a bus fare.Some say that may be a scam, but I don't think that was the case with the four folks I've helped including a couple seeing their tot on a weekly basis from Albany to comply with foster care regulations. Anyone wanting to send dollars my way to help balance out that outreach is welcome to do so and can direct a check to PO Box 1148 Sharon CT 06069 made out to Catherine Paton and Thank You in advance. Two folks have said they'd try to pay something back...but that is not likely going to be easy to do anytime soon.) 

When she told me her name was Payton,she guessed what mine was when I asked her if she could."Paton," was her answer phonetically and that also shows our synchronicity (see and consider how Those Dynamics played a role in the election the word spread and the idea to have Trump as President take root and spread to outweight Clinton's longstanding political experience and professional outreach. Many spoke of feeling they resonated with Trump's message, and some said they did not trust Clinton.

That all could be discussed at greater length and analyzed in months to come regarding what was rumored and what strategies and funding, ads and networks, carried the message over the finish line that landed Donald Trump in the lead. Then we have to use those pathways to work for real change that is fair and just. Thanks for voting and doing what you feel was best. Time to step into a New Day and Work Together for the Greater Good and the Next Seven Generations, of all races here in America and abroad as we can!


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