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Free Coaching and Ideas about Marketing With Some folks I'll share here

on Tue, 02/22/2022 - 14:58

I got to meet Jacqueline Wales a number of years ago and have enjoyed getting her emails since.

She's offering some free sessions and tips in her newsletter so check that out on her site, Also tune into the masterful for marketing and magic in that department, Youtube ads and more.

Then there's which I just joined and really need to follow up with to benefit from that amazing softward with the online coaching.

So hope those are some winners...along with the old faves,, and Eve Wilson at among many others as I've shared over the years here

. When more people tune in we will have the world we've been waiting for! Also see what and others offer (again many listed here!) Thanks for being part of my #Livfully.orgJourneyContinuesin2022