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Getting Better All the Time in Many Ways after Harder Days...

on Tue, 03/30/2021 - 15:37

Looking at a talk about vitamins that could help with preventing Alzheimer's...let's look for ways to prevent problems along these lines...and better nutrition at any age is a game changer... see more ideas on Be aware of people having problems remembering 'Never Throw Water on a Grease Fire' in a sudden situations of a cooking emergencies... 

If elders are being forgetful and so forth it could be a serious problem with memory or other behavior issues... Advanced forms of memory loss may go undetected...and really should not be left alone (at all or allowed to go out since people can wander and not be found, get hurt or have other troubles.)

 See the book Searching for My Missing Father by Allison Drew to learn more about 'what can possibly go wrong' even with excellent  caregivers on duty (the one watching him having given ten nights of free care or was not paid if the Drew sisters has intended some limited funds, $50/night, to be given to her.) 

So even though it's full of allegations, the importance of learning of things that could happen if someone is watching another person and growing up more of a team of support and a video check in or other security systems with locked doors and alarms and other safety features make a lot of sense...whether for childcare or other dependent people needing care.

 Okay back to this time of great possibilities for healing and 'second chances and fresh starts even to forgive those who accuse others falsely and all who endorse or allow for such a strategy without disagreeing publicly or showing the wrongly accused support or other victims of violence, harm or loss support. A note to Allison and Bettina Drew to show concern would be appropriate and even a donation included to help them with the costs incurred. They have brought many important issues to light. Similarly I have also done so on my blog and many forums.

 Thanks for a PM or note in my direction if you'd like to network to highlight advocacy to prevent harm and libel type stories and allegations. Taking care to use the terms What If that person did or said such and such is reasonable, whereas alleging they did it is not if there is no evidence to that end. The caregiver caring for Tom Drew was interviewed extensively on many occasions and gave a thorough deposition of events of the day and the overall time together. One or two people who were interviewed who were not there during the day misspoke about which day or time they spoke with the caregiver. That opened up a can of worms and confusion.

 Dozens of police and other efforts were made to search for Tom Drew but ideally The National Guard should have been alerted immediately to allow for a helicopter search. That alone is a critical idea to share...and also to form a community alliance willing to have people call in to report any concerns or signs of someone who may be in trouble or be an elder or other person wandering or needing a wellness check. 

Okay those are more ideas to add to a long list...but we all need to want to start the list and also know how to be part of a search team on our road or at check points without creating more difficulty. That is especially true if near a body of water or a crime scene or not participating in an arranged search with accountability and safety teams and equipment, lighting and skill in check. Too many people can feel pulled to search along a river bank even of high water or at dark or alone or with one other who is not able to rescue them if they fell in etc..

.So teams of 3 or more who are skilled and trained could be formed in any neighborhood or area. Also signs for needing help (such as flags or on a post one can display from a car, a home window or other place to 'CALL  911 or FIRE etc' Even kids and other adults in difficult situations could seek to do that as well as to text or use a cell phone  (even one that is hidden away. ) 

Safety planning such as Domestic Violence Victims need could be helpful for all to learn even for having a GO BAG such  as David Pogue suggests to deal with bad weather or climate or other emergencies when one must leave quickly with impt papers, cash, cell phone and charger and basic food, water and clothes etc... and contact info and ways to be in touch with family etc with a common person or place to contact. 

Let's do this folks. Much happens on FB but we can do and should do much more in our basic circles on out... Thanks in advance and here's to healing on all levels. The memorial service of our late son Kaelan Paton may be helpful along those lines, even watching a few moments and skimming thru to gain a sense of the community from 2009... peace and light as we journey on, Together Better than Before..