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Getting to know yourself better and connect with the wave of the future...and Join in the Free Online Convention, register soon for the Aug 24th Kickoff!

on Sat, 08/22/2020 - 14:13
Great news on Everybuddy can go to the virtual Toastmasters Convention needs to register, but no fee (it's usually a few hundred to attend in person, so I've not gotten there.)
I highly recommend this for Every Teen and Adult, with Kids welcome to watch and learn (pretty much pass out older folks on the learning curve, but we need them to's Their Future!)
The more Everyone Knows About Toastmasters the quicker everyone can adopt a friendly way of interacting 'professionally' and with support going in all directions (a healthy breaking down of barriers of who is teaching whom in one-way settings...) Everyone learns and grows together by watching, sharing info, evaluating and encouraging one another.
This comes at a perfect time for preparing for the new 'school year' and voting season in the US and basically in dealing with all things COVID...communication is Key! I feel like this is a gift to the whole world like a group hug... so don't miss out and thanks for sharing. It runs for a few days starting August 24th, sign up soon!
Best to everyone and plenty of online meetings if you get hooked...(and you're welcome to visit online clubs etc a few times before joining, no pressure! It costs about 65 dollars for starters to join a club, but only 20 dollars to be on the main site, so maybe do that first.
.Join Toastmasters International and learn a lot then invest in the local or online club after visiting a few to decide if there's one you prefer locally or even farther afield. Some are specialized and each has it's own Personality (and vibe..) Good luck and best wishes for success and sharing the good stuff in life in this next part life! Go to to find out More!