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Getting Ready for School, Big Events and Making Life Easier with A Free Trial of BrainTime!

on Wed, 08/11/2021 - 02:53

With  various school schedules and plenty of 'extra things to consider due to the pandemic', who couldn't use more support to reduce stress, have better emotional health and great sleep? I'm hoping all schools and communities can benefit from this simple protocol to listen to gentle sounds that can improve one's life in many ways. Lots of helpful info on the main website which one can access with a link here (and that gives me a few dollars as an affiliate...and you can look into becoming one as well!) Let's team up even, as it's a new venture for the company to have that option! Send me an email at!

One membership can benefit an entire household, so trying BrainTime programs for a month may be one of the best 'moves' a family makes while not leaving home.

For a monthly membership for improving mood, the link is  For a savings, the link for an annual membership for that program is as follows:

For the sleep program, a monthly membership link is For a savings, the annual membership link is

 To reduce stress, the monthly membership link is For a savings, the annual membership link is

The 'Sleep Well, Heal Well' program is a more comprehensive approach to addressing sleep issues. The link for that is as follows:

With much more information on the site,, the effort taken to learn about this wonderful simple way to help the right and left sides of one's brain work more in sync will be well worth it. Thanks for exploring a little at a time by listening to some of the recorded talks by Dr. Jim Otis and reading through the basics of how to use headphones (properly lined up with the R and L signals on the respective ears.)

Making the listening part of one's routine can help one fall into a healthy set of habits which will pave the way to smoother moods and deeper sleep, clearer thinking and a happier home for all. Taking turns and enjoying the rest of one's day 'one thing at a time with appreciation' is my own game plan.

I look forward to using BrainTime on a regular basis, particularly for sleep routines. That was a big plus duing my exciting trip to Hawaii from New York in February 2020 and the Southwest a few weeks as well as managing 'all things COVID" which has meant more online programs and helping others, sometimes with irregular sleep times (which I'm working on remedying...)

That's why the BrainTime program is all the more valuable to me!  I welcome others who would like to be affiliates and create a calming peace wave home to home as we launch into 2021 with a greater sense of care for our health and collective well-being and teamwork on many levels!

Feel free to contact me at Many thanks, Catherine Palmer Paton