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Going Big with the Wonderment of the World about Being Human and Tuning In to Our Collective Journey

on Fri, 09/25/2020 - 17:26

Who doesn't think of getting tuned in or even a tune up with health and business info whether for personal growth or more networking and ideas to grow a business, publish that book, be that Woman, Partner, Friend, Family Member or Mom With Good Sense? We wear many hats as women and in terms of mothering physically are still the ones delivering babies.

With all the progress we make it's always helpful to recall we're doing a lot in the 'real world' after creating the lives of each person on the planet. That should not be a footnote so if I were a keynote I may have to highlight that with a lot of reverence for the miracle of being a woman or knowing one or being born to one and then some.

We honor  males and men and even their 'life-giving' contribution to helping a human life begin whether in a natural way or in another setting, hopefully only always with the consent of the woman who truly understands what she is getting into and 'signing on for' in terms of a pregnancy if not extended personal commitment as a mother or as a surrogate or other aspect of mothering.

Energetically  there is a connection with the biological parents that is lifelong I've heard folks speak of (Julie Renee Doering I think on a Jenn McLean talk online) the first small cells that then become the entire human body growing in the womb (or even starting in a test tube and incubator...which is another frontier and ofter transferred earlier into the womb nowadays...)

Then if a person has a surrogate mother there are energetic ties with her as well as the biological ones sharing her body and blood supply. The mystery and wonder of every aspect of the creation of a human life with such amazing feminine sponsors as it were would merit a lot more reflection in the world if only we could find the time and way to address the awesomeness of the whole experience for each person and in the social family and other groups that contribute to supporting a mother before and after pregnancy and birth (not to mention during the many thanks to the midwives, informed caring obstetricians and others who lend support in the actual care of the mother and birth of the new humans.)

Spiritually or energetically there is a lot to consider in terms of  'how we got here in the first place' as well as who is incarnating or being born to whom.Are there possibilities for us to consider such as those born to us chose us to be the parents just as we chose our parents and life journeys? That can fly in the face of how we view time and the way things work

. What IF that were the case? What might be the point of any of us choosing less than the 'perfect parents, family, group of friends, ere things we could learn spiritually about growing, forgiving, compromising, healing, trusting, evolving and sharing knowledge and skills that go beyond our own human physical form and benefit?

Would it make sense to explore live in term of 'groups of people' (such as families, people in the same grade school growing up like siblings or with connections over time, in communities that have some longterm investment or willingness to hold the energy and social connections as community members.)

A town or state is not just real estate...the people make the place and the place makes the people. Keeping more folks informed about needs and wants, ways to address concerns and make things more fair and friendly goes hand in hand with people feeling safe in their relationships, homes, streets and schools as well as work  places, faith gatherings and more.

I'll park this set of ideas for now and check in later. Hopefully more can be inspired to explore the ideas on this blog, gleaned from many gatherings from the past and some online offerings as well. We're in this together and for the long haul. Let's make each day and person feel valued and included in a meaningful life journey, shall we?

  From the womb to the world, women hold the key of compassion and capability to nurture each life to fruition then it's up to the world to pitch in and make sure each person is protected and supported for healthy growth and connection with care to the wider community and services for support and success in life.

Males have a role and can join in the overall understanding of what it means to be team players and particularly to monitor other males who may want to color outside of the lines. Females can also guide and encourage other females to be strong and not overbearing, ask for support and add their insights and efforts to the rather simple task of keeping the world going, whether they have their own offspring or not.

These times are not about property rights but more about human rights above social ties and material well-being. We need to allow for youth to feel like people too with chances to connect with their family and friends in their own right and not only due to their parents or teachers whims and personalities.

But of course honoring the role that those who have birthed, adopted, cared for or otherwise directly interacted with others is important. Hopefully more discussions would bear fruit so each family would have a team of support early and often with ongoing networks and ways to ask for and receive that sense of inclusion that is as basic and old as the hills.

Emotional, social, physical and other aspects of nurturing people could all be discussed and encouraged so no one would be out on a limb, left in their own zone with no one to talk with or connect with or help them be guided to ways to make better choices about living reasonably, safely, sanely and even socially with support and encouragement to be a team player.

Let's leave no person behind as we evole with love with help from above. Thanks for tuning in as you can in your dreams whether alone or on teams (even with friends you haven't met yet online or with ideas that inspire.)

We're energy and thought beings so feeling optimistic and ready to begin each day anew with love and hope as wings to guide our journeys can be healing as a feeling and way to be dealing with whatever comes up for us (internally or externally. ) How we respond and who we consult with casually online, on the phone, in an email or otherwise even in person or with others assisting with the 'communications of any kind' from messages to gifts or funds or advice or skills is up to us each to approve of step by step.

When that is not happening it may indicate someone is addicted to power and control over others rather than working with people for clear understanding and a way to be accountable for meaningful steps and support to be in place. Basically no one lives in a bubble or should be so demanding others fear interacting with them (whether speaking to them or being around them or not certain of 'what might happen or could happen over time or without warning.")

Most women realize that is always 'in the background, even with the #MeToo movement bringing it forward in our public conversations for people to have clear safe social, physical and sexual boundaries and given more personal space and respect whether talking, walking, or making one's way in the world.

The more we clarify what we do want the easier it will be to not have things we don't want come front and center (theoretically.) The more teams are in place in communities spelling things out in black white, the more readily people can claim that as their truth personally and in their circles. Then like mist lifting off to reveal a mountain of truth and reality, more people can breathe easier and know who to call when or how to get things done safely. The idea to "Know Justice to Know Peace'" is the antidote to complaining that without justice there can be no peace. Many say we need to focus on what we do want not only what we do not want or approve of.

So that takes a collective shift to have more thoughtful discussions, learn the laws and practices governing each part of a society from legal agreements (in marriages, parenting or other ownership or shared rights for property to check for the prioritization of human rights for safety and autonomy particularly for women and children who were considered  as women as property of their fathers or husbands until recent times and for children as property of their fathers primarily until recent times. ) To get the legal teams and justices educated can take decades.

Other social service and faith and local educators and community services to recognize and support women and children for their safety has to be prioritized as well. Often those people think the laws say otherwise, however. They feel both parents inherently have equal rights and should be treated the same even if there is abuse since many people do not understand the many forms of abuse.

Some are physical and other forms are psychological, emotional, financial, sexual and overall threatening or intimidating and disruptive of having a 'normal secure life.' Those are all forms of coercive control and can be injurious economically, socially, mentally and unfortunately also fatally. That's way too much to not understand the warning signs about at this time of 2020. We need better insight and understanding of the many factors that support or condone bullying and withdrawal of support of victims. They have human rights that are being trampled and resulting in great amounts of physical and other forms of harm and setbacks.

The abusers actually know they are hurting others but have ways of convincing others that they are in the right or justified in their actions. Perpetratios of abuse may not understand why they harm others but if they can acknowledge their actions on some level, with help from specific kinds of programs they may be held accountable and be able to work at shifting their patterns and beliefs.

It can take a year or two of steady work and honesty, so very few ever seek or achieve that true success. The outer trappings are just that for many, getting in the way of any real personal growth and leaving the person to live in dishonest if not hostile ways, often cutting themselves off from anyone who knows 'the truth' of their behaviors or even has natural ties to them such as their own children or relatives, spouse or the other parent of their children. It's a set of shadow experiences too many victims of abuse finding themselves truly swamped in with few lighthouses of compassion, wisdom or support. Hopefully in 2020 that's changing with more advocates showing the way to reform laws and such.

However young people and others seeking to live together, be in relationships, care for others (even elderly or those with special needs) have a long way to go to review safely, ideally in a separate location from others as an individual, what their life has entailed, how it is going and what would be reasonable to explore in the near future. That is a basic safety plan strategy for everyone in these modern times. Things to be on the look out for to get special help with are abuse patterns from one's family of origin and ongoing ones with them, or from relationships past or present, among social groups or communities past and present, and so on.

Likewise one's understanding of mental health, one's own and that of others in one's life past and present could be assessed for needs to heal and safety planning. The ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences study and information can be used as a guide to understand patterns of unhealthy coping, eating, using substances, having behavioral concerns and more.

In time there should be more help, but as with many things, it takes time (a decade or two) to see societal improvements and that does not guarantee setbacks. Likely any person needs a dozen or so folks to be in touch with to understand what one is dealing with, but if online resources can be used, that could be more efficient and informative in many ways. Let's see what we can offer future generations for more success early on in and life and onward. Everyone is worth helping to make better choices and play it safer for their own health and for the collective greater good. Best to all on that shared journey, a winning path energetically and healing a lot of challenges along the way as well.