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Grateful and Excited to Be Part of the Upcoming CT Women Show at the CT Capitol!

on Fri, 03/04/2022 - 15:06

Sneak Peek to the Final Result Added April 1st, 2022: is the Link to The Show At the Hartford CT Capitol through March 30th, with reception with the women from 3pm to 5pm! See you there! I share more on as well! (Additional note of thanks at the bottom too!)

 From the Getting Ready Stage March 4th , 2022: Greetings from the fabulous Farmington Inn in CT on Friday, March 4th, 2022. I'll be meeting with a photographer later today to fulfill the main part of a journey over the past few weeks of being invited via a FB ad and follow-up to join in a wonderful exhibit to celebrate women and really all folks in their journeys of 'showing up and shining in their own special way.'

I have told dozens of people that "I'm doing this for all of us and for the journey we've had over our lifetimes, through ups and downs and 'all arounds', and thankfully we're still here and rooting for one another, our families, friends, communities and wider world. At this time when Ukraine is facing the fight for her survival as a people, country and culture, we are all being called to pay attention to what matters and how to clarify deep values for these times. I heard President Biden's speech in part, and am hopeful there can be ways to halt the violence and have a cease and desist time to really think things through and find some reasonable way to 'make peace not war.' 

It's not clear why things like this play out over decades yet insights from Eve Wilson of and author a book Riding The Wave of Change (she was giving awaya hard copy for free but also available online.) She was given insight about the Tree Of Life that the Kabbalah (or Qabalah) which describes the human being and body and humanity as evolving over eons as forming spiritually and taking on a mortal form. She shares this is a time of major transition and evolution with humanity being able to 'evolve with love' using our sense of healing emotionally and spiritually as well as with relationships, connecting with nature and stepping into a higher realm of awareness, intelligence and more. I have only glimpsed at her ongoing inspiring tweets and blog as well as the book but hope to do more soon.

That kind of healing for humanity to prevent illness, cancer and diabetes, drug use and abuse of many aspects of living (over indulgence, stress, pressuring others or creating poverty and destruction by corporate agendas and many uninformed folks) is needed to secure life on the planet for the next few decades of living...Then the course could continue (with more tech and people learning to co-exist...) This kind of fanciful living is likely something that would be more of a need to have a family live in a hotel, whether due to climate change or war. Rooftop gardens and more wisdom are needed as well as mutual respect and understanding of one another's goals. 

I just heard some inspiring shows on Animal Planet, with skills and news from the past, from dinosaurs in Moab Utah (Arches National Park which is chock full of remains that were exposed once the ocean that divided the US millions of years ago (or so) filled in but then allowed for dinosuar fossils to be revealed. That's amazing to me since I did visit that area in my early 20s with relatives and a good friend I was seeing the US with via car and me taking some jaunts ahead by plane,

I just had another trek of a life time out to Hawaii. The TV show  Awesome Planet is sharing that lava flow from volcanoes --that I got to see plenty of on the Big Island of Hawaii-- that is an amazing way land is created along with earthquakes, mangroves and glaciers.After spending time with Laurie Moore of animiraclescom I spent a day in Kona, then flew to AZ  and drove to  NM.  I went for the second time in my life to the Southwest to see family on my Dad's side(with extensive family having hatched out in a few decades) and friends from the Berkshires who helped with our homebirths and have inspired me to think of adopting a child or teen. I saw a nice ad about about the rewards and effort of adopting!Every state and town could try to work with faith and school groups and others to secure homes for more youth and even adults to feel connected and share the life of their area in healhty ways!

Unofficially I've done that as part of a large family. I have lived with relatives and helped with many as I have with friends and as a homecare and childcare giver. I do a lot with our small communities in the MA/NY CT area and some in Brooklyn NY and beyond online and as life unfolds. That's a lot of what I've covered on this blog with insights that help track the last decade of so of life, especially Before Covid!

The other exciting thing I learned of on Animal Planet is that some dogs are trained to help people with diabetes detect when blood sugars are too high or too low. On that note I will pack up and head off down Route 2 to settle in with a nice person who is helping me with a place to stay tonight through Rotary contacts. So more networking and support along the way is happening. I'm welcoming sponsors to offset the costs of being in this project which are running toward $500 but will result in nice digital photos and being in the show with about 20 other wonderful women.

The whole experience is one I hope to nurture to meet other participants and reach out to those from last year as well to congratulate and see if we might promote more ways to support others in their journeys with this kind of promoting some and inviting more into the process.

The Salisbury Association has many recorded stories and a photo exhibit called In her Own Words which I enjoyed learning about and shows what a special support a good community is along with people living their dreams, forming teams and handling life as it comes to us as well. Kudos to everyone in their journey with awareness that we are all meant to be team players and can care about one another whether in person or through the digital or other media or being a friend of a friend or wider circle.

I share other ideas in letters to The Lakeville Journal of CT as well to inspire people and learn about many people and ideas I have pursued learning more about as well as people I am helping and hope to find ways to assist more with as communities with Caregiving Response Teams and as needed with homecare, personal care, EOLD (End of Life Doula) care and Advocacy for Safety (Domestic abuse, custody and planning for safety at each age and stage of life to prevent harm, anyone getting lost or hurting or needing help longterm or even short term alone.)

Keeping the Southern Berkshire Toastmasters online zoom meetings and club alive and well is the next part of my community networking dreams I hoipe more can join in with from Anywhere in the World and ideally in the MA/NY CT area so not to have to end the charter. See more in a former recent post today! Message me on my public FB page, Catherine Palmer Paton or Livfully.

Peace,love and light for us to find our way into a Friendlier Future together! Welcome to all newcomers as well, to the coutnry, the state, the area and to the world if just hatching out or as works out in years to come! Everything's a miracle if we consider that to be the case...the gift of life and the choices, voices and energy we have at our fingertips...

Update from April 1st, 2022 

Wonderful show and chance to meet many of the awesome, inspiring women and their support teams! Lots of great ideas for many to follow up on! I may be doing more with the Hartford Public Safety Camp Shelley runs! So cool!
That was one of many bright ideas that hatched out with this creative collaboration with sponsors such as Whole Foods (and I got to see their nice Avon store and do more exploring around CT than I have in a long time since COVID and life being mainly in the NWCT area (which rocks by the way and welcomes more connectivity with MA and NY too!)
Thanks for everyone's miles and smiles of efforts, hard work, sharing and inspiring, especially Rebecca Rose and her great team!
I share more on my blog on about the experiences and more ways to keep the networking going from the grassroots level on up and joining with bigger groups and businesses too!
More win-win plans will guide our seasons to be friendlier and successful in many parts of life, particularly with the folks looking to 'give back' and keep the non-profits and "people care" family support, businesses and schools strong with more help from the community!