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Green Light for the Message from Greenpeace--Let's Do This Thing Called Save the Planet (and Humanity, Animals and Nature too)

on Tue, 03/01/2022 - 03:03

The Following is from an email from Greenpeace. No changes have been made and the links for donations are theirs. Best to all and let's not lose Hope!

The new report hits like a slap in the face and a punch in the stomach.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has just issued a report stating that many impacts of global warming will be IRREVERSIBLE.

But they also provide a glimmer of hope. There is a fleeting window of time where our actions could help avoid the very worst. But we must do it now!

Please make an emergency $20.00 gift to Greenpeace USA right now to do just that.

Here’s what Professor Debra Roberts, co-chair of the IPCC, had to say as she released the new report:

"Our report clearly indicates that places where people live and work may cease to exist, that ecosystems and species that we've all grown up with and that are central to our cultures and inform our languages may disappear.”1

Over the last decade we have seen injustice and inequity play out yet again in stark terms. Some of the world’s poorest people are dying from a crisis they did nothing to create!

People in very vulnerable regions including parts of Africa, South Asia, and Central and South America are dying from floods, droughts, and storms fifteen times more often than in other parts of the world.

And the IPCC says it’s only going to get worse.

There won’t be any escaping from this crisis if (or when) the worst happens. There won’t be any moving to higher ground and going back to normal.

There could instead be widespread starvation, extinction of wildlife on a scale not seen in modern human history, and a loss of biodiversity that will forever alter the natural world.

But this future is not inevitable. If we alter our systems, regenerate our lost biodiversity, and reframe the global power imbalance that exploits the many for the benefit of the few, we can still avoid the worst impacts.

We must take action now, before it’s too late. Make an emergency gift right now and together, we’ll fight for the green and peaceful future we deserve.

For the people and the planet,

Anusha Narayanan
Climate Campaign Manager, Greenpeace USA
