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Growing Businesses This Spring 2022, Wanna Be Part of My Team? Great!!

on Sat, 03/26/2022 - 12:29
Hello Folks in the MA/NY CT ("Many Connect" area as I've dubbed it!)
Many feel that sense of TEAM is the secret sauce that makes the area Fun and Functional, especially with volunteers heading up fire departments, medical response teams and town and school boards and so much more!

Let's celebrate with CT's who have In Her Own Words and other stories of locals as well as an upcoming show on Essential Workers (which I may be in as a homecare provider) and with the following tribute to women (and really everybody with that sense of team and networking) on this site..I'm the 5th one down on the digital display and the exhibit runs through March 30th with a reception I'll be attending from 3pm to 5pm that day! It'd be great to see you folks there along with the other women in the show! Here's the link and it's exciting to read what folks are up to! Applause for everyone there and in our world today for aiming to help the greater good!
We really benefit from 'teaming up' and being in business and doing caregiving (another form of business) together whether paid or volunteer or something along those lines.
I have watched a lot of online programs (and done a few) to realize that 'the way of world' is going more digital for services for people and to complement real world interactions.
Some programs such as have been helping people improve running meetings, speaking and listening for decades. Many meetings (one or more monthly for an hour or two) are only on zoom or may be hybrid, with some in-person meeting options as well. To find options simply go to
One can register independently (for about $30 one time without needing to be in a club but access more materials on their site) or join a club (for about 60 every six months) before or after being a guest at a few times (at one or more clubs.)
That's a great model for other forms of networking which happens naturally or with extra gatherings socially among members of many groups in a community that may meet primarily for one purpose or another.
I have had the privilege of helping at summer camps with The Grumbling Gryphons (with director Leslie Elias) of West Cornwall CT. They have a great website and videos of some of their productions people can enjoy at home or with friends.
Maybe act out your favorite parts (and some is geared to engage the audience.) They will be doing more programs this summer and the setting is magical, the whole experience rather mystical (and practical in terms of putting on a show with a new group of folks.)
I'd like to hear from people who may want to explore more ways to network and review business models (especially online but some local ones too.) I have signed up with Socisnap as an affiliate and can learn a lot more than I really have time for. I can have others join me as part of my team!
Also I am considering taking a more in-depth program with Ryan Levesque (who wrote books ASK and CHOOSE) to help businesses and coaches find the right niche, clients and make the courses people want in a timely efficient manner and put those into webinars and other programs (membership groups and products.)
I took a program to learn to develop the quiz funnels he says is key to engaging an audience and growing an email list to build relationships and share information. That is a basic roadmap I can learn much more about but again would like to have a team to help me 'do just that.'
To offset the investment (which I have not committed to yet but have until Monday to do so...) and get the many perks he's offered for doing the training, I'd love to get a group of 30 people (or businesses) to join me in learning some of the basics as I do the program (and share the start up costs at $100 each.) Donations to this effort would be welcome and much appreciated as well! PM me on my public FB page, Catherine Palmer Paton (of CT) for details

. I have been blogging on and share tons of information (much of which is not easy to find or understand in the mainstream media, even is there are MainScream Headlines about the problems we are facing at this important time in the world.
These are empowering, team-building efforts to prevent more downward spirals of difficulty in terms of handling digital business and networking effectively online and with a greater eye to preventing problems younger people face due to changes in the cost of living, social networks and supports, stricter laws for broken systems from schools, family law and social services. I hope many people can find time to think of what I am offering and PM me on FB or share ideas here.

More groups for women (such as WOT, Walking Our Talk) which meet online and some in person in the Great Barrington area, are encouraging people to find their voices and make their choices for living with respect for others and themselves in balanced ways, asking for support and sharing in team efforts as is reasonable.

I have a vision for creating a more formal outreach for ideas and information sharing that I have done independently for many decades. Feel free to be in touch about that also! Basically it encourages people to clarify agreements and laws in their community (as well as support and resources, skills and talents to share) for each age group to help everyone feel included in meaningful ways across the life span and to remember the legacies and love of those who have journeyed on as well, and welcome 'newcomers' whether people planning to have children, expectant families, visitors to an area or group or new community members.

There are many ways to tune into the modern world with a sense of community and practical skills to support one another. Thanks in advance for considering what is a private, independent effort from any of the groups I've mentioned. Hopefully the ripple effect can benefit people, the community and world but it's all in the idea phase right now. Best to all, Catherine Palmer Paton