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Happy to Have Donated to Studio Lakeville & Green Cafe: A Walk Down Memory Lane and Dreaming for Spring Success for US All!

on Wed, 02/16/2022 - 14:59
Help Studio Lakeville & The Green Café Thanks for donating to an amazing Mom whose led the way for many to stay fit and healthy for years!
"Can't Stop. Don't Stop, Leslie!" See more on to stay in the game of life with good moves! Get inspired by how "neighbor helps neighbor' whether local or the next state over. Lakeville is just half hour or so from Great Barrington and 15 from Ashley Falls, a scenic drive at that.
Stay tuned for what SWSA, Salisbury Winter Sports Association is hosting soon (and online videos of what just launched at the Ski Jumps behind LaBonne's on Main St.) I share many resources, ideas and ways to live in a friendlier fashion on my blog too, so PM ideas my way and I'll post to keep the good vibes going and serious thinking too, the good times require some of each.
Happy Wintering and soon Springing Into Shape and Garden Efforts. See what The Lakeville Journal (Letters to the Editor) and Shoppers Guide Offers too to help more people connect and get the jobs and good living up and running!
Many thanks to all who can support one another in these challenging but meaningful times to show our care and creativity when living, driving (especially with seat belts and sobriety and caution about black ice and harsh weather.)
Here's to lending a helping hand and checking in on basics and bigger ways to pitch in too whether caregiving, doing errands or projects. I share info to learn design and basics of 'Earth Care, People Care and Resource Share" for free online with Turtle Garden Permaculture Game (and there are other free ways to learn too without taking the 72 hour Permaculture Basics for about 1K as I did ten years ago.
I got financial help to do that and thought of a friend who loved teaching science and being with her kids but who had died when a driver crossed the lane...since the first house I went to had her last name...and maybe Liz P's family from Amenia area NY will feel that love from way back when that I wrote about in the Lakeville Journal...
I think of her often over the years as I do many in spirit...and feel they're rooting for us. I have known many in the MA/NY CT area who reared wonderful families and cared for others in a way that is now something we can realize is an honor to be able to do, especially over many decades. Leslie is one of those folks who really has dedicated her life to helping others in many ways plus reared wonderful kids, so deserves kudos on many levels, including setting an awesome example.
Here's to everyone having more support to live their dream and have that team support in theory and in practice, with online and personal encouragement (online or a call even.) Asking for help is key and being willing to follow through with small steps to try things out and then make a go of it for a bit longer and see what works (and do more of that!)
I have some posters I can share that illustrate many cool ideas and can be marketed or donated by others, so be in touch if you'd like in on that or other ventures we may cook up! That may include all schools and folks benefitting from the info shared for free on
I have a link to let people get a free trial for a month, so PM for that since it can help youth, teachers, parents and everybuddy else get more clear connections 'upstairs' even for better sleep and thinking.
I've used it for the most part for a few years and it helps 'a whole household' who takes ten minutes night and/or day to listen to the gentle sounds, a bit like bird song but some questions to hear (not answer) and one that has one turn to look opposite the side that one hears the sound. That gets one thinking and one could play a game with another person just to practice what that is like (or just Think About It!)
Okay best to all with some deep breaths, walks outdoors and easy does it, one thing at a time with a sense of calm and connection to one's heart and earth beneath one's feet too. I'll post this on my blog too to help keep track of the ideas and be an easy reference to share. PM my public FB page for more info and to be in touch with your great ideas and networking!