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An honest time of reflecting about taking programs online and over the years... and applying the skills to 'real life problemas'

on Wed, 05/27/2020 - 17:14
Here are a few notes I shared with some friends...and figured I'd offer a closer look to some who may feel, "Hey, I can relate..." I'll update with any changes and hopefully Progress along these lines... Mainly I'm inspired by oodles of things I've heard from New Life Expo (and feel more informed.)
One point that left me speechless (yes, me... for about three minutes...) was that there was a solar flare that almost toasted our planet ( just a large part of it apparently) a few years ago...yeeks...But Something made the big bad solar flare go in averted it from coming into our atmosphere but didn't extinguish we're talking a Big Reason to Do An UBER HAPPY DANCE!! I'm going to go run around outside right now just Because I didn't do it when I heard it...and Why the heck not? With Mucho Gratitude-oh and thanks to the Divine! High Fives Everybuddy, we're still going with that Game On modus operandi!)
I'm trying to pay closer attention to my IRSTP program (with Dr. Ritamarie) on insulin resistance solution practioner training and see that Kat James has her Leptin balancing online program going  (over 8 weeks and for $1K should someone be able to splurge..and see if it'd do the amazing reset of one's metabolism...yet one needs to stay on the diet for it to keep working as far as I recall. I have heard that her book is very good and worth try on one's own..then there are the support programs..Maybe I'll give that a whirl.)
I find I'm not advocating for myself the way I intend to (yes, me...) over a couple of things like a program I was happy to recall I could likely take again 'live' but after working that out was just told 'actually only the recorded programs..maybe from the past...' So I'm just a tad confused and yet, realize 'it could be me' or it could be an honest set of confusing antics 'at the top.' I don't want to make waves...and so said I was grateful for the replays. 
I can talk with anyone who may be more interested, and it doesn't hurt to learn about 'politics...'
The whole field of 'death and dying' is big business. I was encouraged to hear that End of Life Doulas (from one person's training at least) IS open to considering the spiritual aspect of someone's life and process...and not to just be practical about medical issues and upkeep of a home etc...
Our culture is becoming more open-hearted and yet the medical field apparently is fraught with 'conflicting controllers' and game plays that leave people 'wounded if not worse.'
 Not to put the hardworking medical folks down, but the system is tilted toward keeping people in the dark rather than preventing illness..I've heard that from doctor friends for decades...and then with 'end of life issues' there's a ton of confusion (even about whether to treat someone if they Have a DNR on their chart...that only means Do Not Resuscitate...and when there are certain conditions, not if someone is choking for instance...I am going to learn quite a bit more and that is a separate program (the MIDEO) from the one I was told I can't be on the live calls for..
That was a program I paid for a few years ago and was told that I would be able to have access to repeat programs, especially live, in-person ones...but that wasn't in writing (unless I find an email that says it was...) But if it's a personal issue, they may make up a reason or have to spell things out... It's ironic since it's a rather 'delicate field' (this is a consulting training from a while back...)
 I don't want there to be misunderstandings and I want to maintain a positive relationship with people I've gotten to know ...and legally maybe they wouldn't want to 'just level with me...' So at least I'm processing this 'dilemma..." I'll find out more and realize this kind of 'working things through' is part of the conflict resolution (or addressing conflict) process I studied a while back ...Transformative Mediation. 
I did happen to hear on a public forum that someone felt there were serious shortcomings in how payment for their job was being handled. Clear points from their letter was read spelling out concerns...and then someone told me that the issue got worked out by the powers that be to the person's satisfaction.  
Everyone (in that situation and in each part of a community hopefully) can be more careful going forward to let someone know if there's any other issues to address in a more 'mediated' fashion...even in a private letter to a neutral third party and private sessions etc...This could be a silver lining for more communities to set up a kind of 'complaint department or conflict resolution center' with skilled people (even trained volunteers, etc.)
I noticed there is a divorce mediation attorney (in addition to Jill Brakeman who was doing that over a decade ago.) in Litchfield with Atty Weber. I will have to commend them...Non-Violent Communication (NVC) can be heralded for more communities to learn about as can (which is offering a free program for youth and advocates currently up to 100K people.) I signed up to help others use that so need to do more with that soon.
A Vassar grad recommended a year at Harvard's program post-grad in addressing conflict (sounds fun, right?)..and it's tempting to consider going to that... (a biggie for me..but maybe they'd do one online..and actually there's a lot to discuss in terms of how mediation needs to be done if there's abuse etc..whether between two people who have been involved, co-workers, tenants, or the many other kinds of situations that most courts direct people to consult over (in each county in NY for instance...)
By the way I think would be okay to use for various kinds of conflict and is in nearby Poughkeepsie. Maybe the answer is as easy as a zoom meeting (if that's how they're doing things...)
 IF I were to set up such a place, I'd screen Everybody in advance for criminal and abuse records (including asking if requests for protective or restraining orders were made, not only if they were granted or nollied...if that would be legal.)
Okay so that's plenty and the point is to try to Prevent Problems we've dealt with in the past and plan for more 'clear success' for one and all in the future regarding the common good, safety and care. A tall order but we have plenty of people with 'time on their hands' so great time to revise...Best to all and hope to see that film about Growing Food from a group with Ocean Robbins  and crew a bit more to inspire more gardening in containers (especially in the city..).