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How About More Thorough Planning About When To Go To School and When Not To for Safety Due to Weather and Road Conditions...anyone?

on Tue, 01/26/2021 - 01:04
Schools for kids and teens need to meet a certain number of days per year and basically kids are expected to show up or be penalized if they do not have a valid reason (medical sickness etc of other excused absence usually with documentation...) The ideas here (as in other posts) are to prioritize safety if there is a storm, snow with ice or other worries like high winds etc predicted.
At which point would we want to really make sense of these competing factors...learning and travelling safely and staying alive and well. Hope every state and town, school, faith and program can weigh in with meaningful support to encourage calm, safety, back up plans, ways to make up days etc and do the work to learn and get credit...Thanks for joining together for greater teamwork on all levels...
Seems like with all the concern for health, there'd be that extra level of practical safety to not mess with Mother Nature. Most people are fine with being home so why push one's luck.
The basic idea to have fewer people on the road when conditions are dicey is one that would be practical. I realize there are set days for school to be in session but splitting hairs when it's quite likely to be icy and dangerous doesn't seem worth it.
The hills and shady areas can have black ice and so forth. I met some amazingly lucky fellows who could have been goners travelling in conditions that changed suddenly a year or so ago in NY state (Hillsdale I think..)
There just wasn't warning for them about the road icing up and they went off the road in their truck. I heard about it then happened to meet them at the gas station.
Their folks were coming down from Albany to give them a ride home... I also met someone whose son passed after trying to go help someone who'd had car trouble but he slid off the road as he went to the rescue if memory the idea is to Stay Home if the Roads or Weather may be Dangerous...again, empowering people to have more common sense, accountability and teamwork in living life and making smart, safe decisions...
Thanks for letting me share along these lines. I also have a lot of ideas on about safer driving and living voluntary game plans...and am happy to network. Thanks in advance!