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How is New York and The Rest of the World Waking Up on September 11th, 2016m 15 years later after 3K headed to heaven (minus a few likely who did the harm)?

on Sun, 09/11/2016 - 11:47

 When I was in New York a few months ago, I heard the psychic medium Mark Anthony speak about our loved ones on the other side. He also had two books he had written, Evidence of Eternity and Never Letting Go (of the love we have for our those who have crossed over and are in spirit.) The first book describes a number of readings he has done for people that provide singular details about their loved ones to show there are signs and messages from them.

He and many others have a theory that a spirit can communicate with loved ones and others to help them, even people they hadn't met . Many psychics and some spiritual traditions those of such as Edgar Cayce and Rudolf Steiner and Dr. Sha propose we have lived many lifetimes and have a kind of credit karmic account which we choose to keep working on by living another lifetime, with many of the same people and situations to remedy past life actions and trends. Life really may be made up of habits and choices, both small and big. Being aware of options is key and finding support to try new ideas on may be instrumental to change as well along with a team of support and guidance from higher realms that resonates with one's intuition and integrity.

There are stories out there about 'chance events' that kept people from going to work that day or being delayed. Others had help from people warning them or taking quick action or following intuition. Some relates stories of spirits guiding them. Overall we can appreciate more deeply the possibility of help from on high, from God or Source, from friends and family on the other side since there is more awareness due to television, radio and books by many that 'there is a chance that is the case." Religion and psychology should try to have more open discussions to help people comprehend the possibilities, yet academia and mainstream society seem content to keep the genie in bottle whether angels or loved ones are trying to come through.

Trusting one's own sense of connection even with others in one's family beyond actually being in the same room or talking and writing to them is learned skill. Even tuning into one's own experience and ways of looking at one's emotions and memories is an adventure to seek some guidance about

. Warning signs, unresolved worry or grief can play out in many ways. Why not try to find a trusted friend or two, read through more of these posts as I explore some ideas and ways of processing challenges both personally and in larger circles? I have learned from many over the years and hope to convey a bit of the comfort and wisdom from many traditions and a life full of amazing people, sometimes small in number but mighty all the same. Some advocates are in Washington DC getting ready to meet with Congress members to seek justice for Children Lost to Abusive Men (or others even in the system that is supposed to protect them such as CPS, Child Protective Services). There are many 'secret wars happening' and taking a toll on loving protective mothers (and some dads as well but mainly it is a gender based manifestation of male dominance and abuse of females that is historically embedded in many countries, including US-All.)

When people or helping spirits of God show up we can appreciate their heroic help. Some say it is difficult for a spirit to 'come through', that they have to 'lower their vibrational frequency and somehow get in contact with our thinking  minds.  When someone is awake (and I imagine under stress) that may be even more challenging. People's hearts were moved as though the earth were shaking beyond New York.

Our comprehension of our collective and national safety was upended. The heart of our country was broken and tormented for months on end as thousands of services and remembrance vigils were held. There will be another this morning. Mark Anthony shares in his book that when he 'happened to be visiting' his relative in New York outside of his WTC work place a few months prior, to 9-11-16, he had a strong premonition of the disaster.

I recall seeing the movie Burning Infero (I think that was the name) about tall buildings catching fire. I think I decided as a young country kid that would be a horrific problem. In my child's mind, I decided it was likely best to stay out of buildings you couldn't get out of in case of a fire. When I was about 9 years old, my own large brick house caught on fire.

Thankfully we were able to get out. My father DalePalmer, Sr. had worked every night after being a mason during the day to renovate the home with needed carpentry, rugs throughout the house on both floors, fix bathrooms, paint and put in new heavy duty shades and bedding and furniture. That took a solid year and I was thrilled to see bits of progress. When it was done I felt our family had won "The Price is Right" grand prize. Better than a car, boat or trip, this was a huge beautiful home with a great yard for us dozen kids to enjoy to the max. In no time flat after moving in (from down the road where we managed with a few rooms for a year and from Salisbury CT on a busy section of Route 44 just down the hill from Salisbury (Boys) School after the blinking light on the bad corner.

Our family had lived there Before the light was installed aftet 20 years of accidents, maybe five a year my Mother once told me, with too many fatalities. Now Meryl Streep lives down the road from there along with many other famous, talented and regular wonderful country people. Unfortunately even in the small towns of the scenic parts of the country like MA/NY CT (think Many Connect), an epidemic of poor health, depression, drug abuse and challenges plague many.

Somehow we have to rise above struggle mode and find new healing modalities and sustaining courage and ways of living as team players. On other parts of this blog I describe the challenge our family and area faced when our own teen son Kaelan passed when trying to save a friend from the Housatonic River Falls in Falls Village and Salsibury Ct.

Like joining two parts of my family's history together since we'd been in each town for decades, with 40 years on the Falls Village side and over 20 on the Salisbury side, the many people who knew our family was great over the years. With ties to Sharon as well through rearing our children in their father's hometown of Sharon, and the shared school system with Cornwall, Canaan and Kent, the turn of events on the last day of school for Kaelan and his friends on June 16, 2009, were our own  type abrupt tragic turn of events. His friend was saved in the end by a rope rescuer.

The memorial service (and can give people comfort for challenges they may face) is on youtube and includes a teacher reading an essay Kaelan had written in 8th grade, the year before he passed, the rope rescuer Skip Kosciusko and many others sharing a song. That service and generous potluck was held a month later at his grade school Sharon Center was attended by many in the community and in the folk music world who had ties with his grandparents, Sandy (who passed a month later) and Caroline Paton.

With the world growing smaller and filled with pressing issues, everyone has permission to have a place at the caring and sharing table. Today there will be a service at the 9-11 site which I will be at possibly but certainly in my thoughts. There are services at many churches, including the Brooklyn Unitarian church, as well as many other places. It is fitting to take time 'to remember and to reflect' on the gifts of life and learning together...and feeling the big love that can overcome the struggle and pain, one heart, one state, one country and people at a time with help from on high.

Let's keep the faith and live lives with respect and care to honor all we have been given including loved ones we need never forget but who we remember with love and gratitude for sharing life's journey. Circles of friends and family may be more connected not only from living near each other and having similar community and school ties, but from possibly electing to be with each other, even lifetime to lifetime. Those were far out ideas that I hadn't really heard of 15 years ago, but with more evidence that humans are more magical and mysterious than we realized energetically, we can consider the bigger  possibilities and dream more good game plans dor love and safety to be our chosen paths. It's a challenge but such is being open to the gift of life which is filled with a big IF to keep us open to options.

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