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Ins and Outs of Housing Costs, Hidden or Unexplained Fees added onto Rents (in NYC and likely elsewhere)

on Mon, 03/27/2017 - 17:52

Discover details about the ways that rental fees drag down already-struggling tenants: https://nsacasa.files are-fraud.pdf. This information was found in an email from a grassroots group of concerned tenants in a large housing complex in New York. About a hundred people out of over 5,000 have been served a notice to produce a copy of their lease agreement.

If failing to do so, measures are taken to insist on compliance within a month that were supposed to take longer (a few months.) People can find themselves locked out of their apartment, even if they have are not behind in rental, mortgage or maintenance fees. Some people have been in their apartments for years or perhaps not kept up with paperwork to verify who is owning or responsible for the apartment.

That is to say, perhaps some clarification could be needed in some cases for justified reasons. However, elderly and others may not be adept at keeping track of paperwork nor understand the importance of such a type of monitoring. Ideally a way could be found to help every homeowner be more informed on a regular and timely basis about requirements for owning or maintaining a home and property.Some people feel there could be concerns about illegal activities (wheeling and dealing of substances) or violence that was a factor in prompting closer reviews of someone's living status.

The fine art of understanding the terms of a lease or living arrangement as well as the societal laws is another area more likely need reviews about to not be caught offguard, What is legal or deemed a private dealing can be grounds for a wellness check or other intervention. If there are minors in a home, the laws or agencies that can intervene and monitor minors, even in school or insist on certain medical or other procedures to be followed to avoid foster care or close monitoring can mushroom overnight.

No one is immune from the kind of 'business in the shadows of the law' or other terms for housing, relationships, parenting, caregiving and even self-care. But for starters, tune into the housing fees of rising concern in certain cities and areas of the country. The more people can consider the implications about such matters as important to help everyone understand, the sooner more people can plan 'for the unexpected' when anyone may need assistance, help or support in being treated fairly and getting basic needs and services met. 

The Village To Village Network (google online and it may have started in Beacon Hill near Boston MA and has grown to other areas to help people look out for one another) and the more recent Crisis Text Line 741741 which one can text Hello to for assistance in text form with a problem, 24-7 are important innovations to supplement other efforts such as and BMCC (to help women learn about issues for keeping kids safe in custody or parenting issues.) Barry Goldstein promotes The Quincy Solution and The Safe Child Act which also will be more useful the more people learn about them. Thanks a bundle for getting smart sooner rather than later!

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