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Kicking December Off With a Good Story about Sisters (and Brothers too) or Good Pals Even

on Thu, 12/02/2021 - 01:14

Listening to a story by Terry WolfishCole @tell_me_another (that's her twitter) on a zoom call from the Norfolk Libray in CT with a couple dozen folks was a nice way to start December...and there'll be more to come with sharing stories. She gave tips and overall the idea is to 'cut to the chase' in terms of engage the audience with 'stakes' in terms of what you are facing, wanting, hoping for..what you have to gain or lose...then let the listeners experience what you go through to reach a major point and then 'bring it home'.

She told a story of 'running away from home at age 5' to her Grandma's because of a lot of things that were getting to her about being a big sister and having to go to bed at the same time.. She'd had enough and packed her bags, really walked thru the streets of Buffalo to her nearby Grandma's (today that would be a 911 call and even back then except her Mom was informed of her plans and followed her in her car.) So the dramatic ending is one I will let you find out for yourself....or not since you might be anxious to know.

She got to her Grandma's and her Mom arrived right behind her after her Grandma said she could visit but not move in. Her Mom then asked her with her hands holding her face why she wanted to run away...and Terry blurted out the basic woes including being annoyed with her sister. Her Mom said they could give her to an orphanage...and that turned the whole story around, with Terry quickly recanting the request to be without her sister and protesting the thought of giving her away! So that made for an award winning tale (at you guessed it The Moth the first time she entered by chance...and the she told another one that won the Grand Slam Moth event.) Hope I did all of that justice (and am not breaking any rules..I'll check. )

Give the story a listen or read it in the Reader's Digest...and enjoy the tips she shares and others in the new book The Moth will be putting out. I shared a bit about this blog and some of the big stories of my life (like how my parents met and tragically many years later my son died...)which I share on this blog and which have been in the headlines. I hope to keep track of the tips she and others share...and yet keep the flow of stories going lest any forget...or feel blocked to share their experiences, some with 'new characters to protect others.' But plenty 'straight from the pages of one's life too with the facts to back it up...'

Best to all around in their storytelling ventures. Okay and helpful to journal and process a ton too before sharing...and make sure one has support for processing life experiences then share when ready with appropriate support, practice and people...