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Lady Drivers and A River of Thrivers! Women's March 2018:NYC and Beyond...You Go, Gals (Yes We Do and Lotsa Guys Too) for a Great Cause--US-All Around the World!!

on Sun, 01/21/2018 - 00:45

Before thinking about the important messages people, primarily women, showed up with en masse with, I would like to add it's Time to Educate All Girls and Boys about their bodily functions..and basic sex education and birth control options from abstinence (whether altogether as in not being alone with someone particularly of the opposite gender, but also even if dating to allow one or both parties to keep their clothes least their pants and otherwise agree to not go all the that Plan A (don't be alone with someone or in any way compromised even if other people are around. Keeping a safe personal space whether outdoors or inside or even in a car or in any kind of sleeping arrangement would be important.

For sleeping, even naps, a separate room with a lock on it would be very reasonable in these times if others are around who could feel they have a right or chance to violate your boundaries. A locked room can speak volumes and you never have to answer the door or let someone in to talk etc. Here are some other basic guidelines to consider if wanting to be involved with one or others romantically, socially, intimately and so on. All parties need to be giving consent to interactions whether spoken or physical and the guidelines are just for starters.

One can always fine tune. Ideally every school and community could have something along these lines for easy reference and to help people use a code rather than get too explicit if that is not feeling appropriate. It's even a bit dicey here but we are all agreeing 'Time's Up' and the #MeToo travesty has claimed enough victims to require more clairty about the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of any interaction or relationship, group of people or serious dating or mating situation.

I will fill in more as I can yet think this gets the ball true 'off the cuff' Livfully fashion. I added this the day after the March by the way..Seeing more info online on reasonable sites would make sense. Also a Planned Parenthood or other basic Gynecological or Obstetrics provider would have more information, but not necessarily the coaching for safe relationships. See the political actions needed to keep health care available for all women and children, and yes men too, to always screen for STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV, or other important check ups, such as Herpes, HPV, (cold sores or genital warts. which can be a problem for anyone interacting (kissing, intercourse) closely with him or her.)

Being of a 'legal age to consent' is also important as cases can be prosecuted many years later if reported to counselors or otherwise disclosed. Being closer to 16, 18 or even 21 likely would make sense for any serious relationship and handling the other responsibilities and opportunities of becoming an adult. Biologically and sometimes culturally many teens if not children become sexually active but in many ways that takes away the 'freedom' of childhood and youth. Once someone gets involved does not mean they must stay in that relationship or at the level of involvement.

The message that anyone can be content as an individual and likely could be more aware of how to create a satisfying life with a strong sense of independence could be reviewed throughouth childhood and teen years to help people feel secure as individuals.  Now back to the 'code for being involved' to help people not feel it has to be 'all or nothing' (if they are hearing that from others, hopefully not one's partner or personof interest.) The frequency of any interaction could also be discussed as what each feels may be appropriate (and even look up some guidelines, but more is not always better or necessary to repeat or strive for. Again the idea of understanding many aspects of a relationship with all parties being clear and not pressured to agree with the other is important. In some cultures and social circles the messaging is lifelong and complicated yet not clearly conveyed. That's what this post hopes to convey.

A1 (don't be alone with someone one is dating, especially if 7-14 days after the Start of one's period which is when one could more easily conceive..but of course...'it can happen almost anytime if not regular or other changes.and Tracking cycles on a handy calendar or on an app or even having a friend help is key'.)

 A2 (don't take off any clothes, of course that means don't be too close and touching even with clothes either..though that can be A2.1 if you are agreeing to that if its one's top..and A2.2if that is outside of one's pants, then  A2.3 for under one's shirt, and A2.4 if under one's pants, A2.5 would be for Bathing suits or undergarments from the outside and so on. The main point would be mutually agreeing (and really being able to trust one another to follow the agreements) to not go all the way.

 A4 without  some or any clothes on agreeing to not go all the way or even 'get close enough to get pregnant',

A5(know and use birth control every time whether 'at the least' withdrawal before ejaculation but that's no guarantee since semen can be released before hand or a more secure method such as condoms or (or even in addition to) a diaphragm and spermicide. Being certain to use a condom properly ,as in fulled  covering the shaft and not letting it come off, allowing room at the tip and so on and changing it each time after its used is all important.

Still if one may have gotten pregnant due to unprotected sex, a condom breaking or coming off, or other concern, there is the Plan B pill. (B1). Check the instructions and with one's doctor, but some say that it is more effective the sooner it is used (within 1-3 days...others say it can be effective up to 6 days later..but this is not my advice or guidance. Do one's homework In Advance and Educate One Another, Please.)

 That should be readily availabe in every community (something to work toward in the next few weeks if that is not clearly the case for Every Woman, especially those who may be of limited means, not have access to a pharmacy and would not want to be pregnant) That kind of 'basic education' could be a big plus along with all of the important overriding information about equal rights and reversing many of Trump's policies and plans that may destabilize healthcare, school funds, immigration options and much more. Encouraging all men to own their part in allowing for the crime and wrong doing toward women, children and others would also be a good message to convey.

Then practical websites to fuel everyone's energy into effective changemaking would be a great step. Designating How Many Women It Would Take to Do the Jobs that Need Doing... if on a volunteer basis at first or however that can be worked out, would be good. A hundred people in every state working to enlist more movers and shakers to serve causes and communities is something I have felt would help and have heard Ralph Nader speak to as well. Check his site out. But we certaintly Got this Party Started.

As horrible as Trump's words and actions have been, they have fired people up accordingly to arise and clarify what needs fixing. Sometimes you don't know what you've got til you start to lose it... As difficult as the politics are now ,there may be Biggger Fish to Fry and Wake Up to in order to understand 'underground governments and actions' and even the presence of Artificial Intelligence and or alien or otherworld beings and technologies. Steven Greer and Linda Moulton Howe speak to those points. I cover more of that in other pieces, or just google them. The times are calling for more involvement and shared wisdom from many aspects of our society, and likely that will primarily happen on line.. Though the Marches make it Real! Kudos to Every Woman, Child and Man and Pet who showed up and made a key difference by doing so!, 

The signs 'said it all' whether held high or written in chalk on the road. Some of the following with plenty of 'F and S' words and cartoons or photos of Trump in disgraceful tones spoke volumes. As POTUS Trump called other countries 'shit holes', some started with that sentiment about his politics or even our country being on that rating scale for his proposed policies.

It was not a pretty site (for Donald and his supporters...) but was shedding light on the hurt, fear and misery many feel or see coming if people are forced out of the country, off of healthcare, onto one side of a wall, out of work, out of abortion services (which I explore more shortly to give a more balanced view of what I and many would hope could help prevent the frequency of in a reasonable manner as may be helpful) or otherwise disenfranchised.

While we have everybuddy's attention on many key matters, let's Please See More Men Not Pressure Women for anything, Including Sex..and to Always Use in at least Condoms (and be sure to use them Properly. Anyone should be ready to have back up support (and yes, even more supplies on hand as needed... but also a clear idea of what they can legally say okay to or ask for and not break the law which varies state to state.)

Getting to the Women's March in NYC was a bit like this Cinderella getting to the ball in style. I got a ride with a couple of others who had a car to get there and then had the whole day to mix and mingle with the throngs of rabble-rousing protestors and freedom fighters for women and really everyone for basic protections for health, security and well-being. Is that too much to ask, if so, hopefully it's not too much To Demand (even if the word "man" is in it...)

The idea of masculine and feminine energies being in each person is one worth pondering..It did take something from each gender to produce Every Human on the Planet (even if cloning is underway or may be before long...) For now, let's appreciate that it took plenty of Good Guys and Great Women to get us where we are today in terms of Whose On the Planet physically. The decisions about who can be born and who will be born is still being debated.

With advances in education, social laws and greater cultural awareness, more people are learning to craft a life of relationships and behaviors that have more to do with their personal responsibilities and choices. There is still a lot of room for discussion and support to help every young person appreciate their life and life-giving ability and to make sure they are not 'living blindly' or for the thrill without the responsibility to take care of themselves in important ways.

I met people from Argentina who said there is not abortion readily available there..and it can be very difficult or dangerous to the woman's health to have one. We didn't have a long time to talk but that was one issue that came up. Without medical access and support, a woman not wanting to keep a pregnancy may endanger her own life seeking other ways to miscarry. Other posts explore this topic a bit more, but the basic necessity of having abortion services in a country as a legally protected service is something many take for granted if their country has that.

The timing of such a process is one which deserves due consideration, and again ideally all women would have the basic support to carry a pregnancy if she desires to do so or is open to counseling and services to consider that. There may be many ideas she has not had time or someone to review with her to help her make a secure decision.

The earlier in the pregnancy that she can make a decision, particularly if considering an abortion, the safer for her. Having the support is something every community and state could guarantee with at least online access, phone calls and as is appropriate, in person meetings. The overall idea should be one of exploring the reality of a pregnancy for her in respect to her physical and mental health, her social and cultural ties and desires, and practical and financial support and help.

If she is religious or spiritual that also could be explored but ideally in a realistic context that considers the history of what any tradition has been asking or demanding of women. The reality of a possible pregnancy or serious birth control (oral contraceptives, an IUD) would be important to any woman to consider in a mature manner. It may not be 'easy or readiliy practical for her to seek information' so that is why there could and should be much more of a public education campaign.

The health effects of any such preventive measure should be clearly spelled out as well, particularly if there are contraindications or may result in much heavier periods (as some IUDs have in the past.) Then there are the social and legal laws pertaining to relationships with people one lives with,works with, dates, has intimate relations with, has children with, marries, divorces or shares custody among other things.

Even the area of communication is not well understood in terms of 'what is legal and what is against the law, what constitutes abuse or neglect, or any number of other important meausures.' The possibility of having a mental health illness or challenge may be linked to poor nutrition or effects of antibiotics or drugs (legal or illegal), not getting enough sleep and being in front of screens for too long. Which factors one can address with support is not clear even to the 'experts'.

The fields of medicine, social services, family support, education and even workplace practices may all have different agendas and responses based on their interests or agendas. The idea that somehow politicians can know enough to create a safety net and support for everyone is a bold and possibly ill-founded one, but it's all we've got until more grassroots efforts arise and have funding. Any non-profit receiving federal funds is beholden to their rules even about what they say publicly. Blogs like this would be a major no-no.

 That's why even though I go 'on tangent's I do so bravely and boldly, to go where no woman or man dared wonder before with thinking out loud. Not that my ideas are radical and I try to stay 'middle of the road' or with the modern progress in mind. Yet we are human beings and if primarily spiritual in physical form, I'd like to honor that and invite others to consider their lives in that context.

Maybe nothing would change right away. Maybe things would be seen in a new light. Maybe we'd be ready to take up the next few decades that many say are a make or break kind of homestretch to reach 2050 with sustainability or a major decline (oceans, icebergs and atmosphere maybe done in by things we can control or even by things we can't such as Planet X interfering with our planet...It's Bad.)

I shared a bit of this with a few folks today saying for all the negatives people were identifying about President Donald Trump and his 'teams' of yes-men, it at least got everyone paying attention to meaningful things and coming together to strengthen their voices.

We can supposedly only argue for things in our country yet with the concerns Steven Greer and Linda Moulton Howe and likely other scientists and leaders pointing out, we need to be ready to lead the world in comprehending our planet's plight and even our place in the universe. It's not like we have 'all day' to figure this stuff out or even to completely understand what they've been saying for 30 years or more. We may actually have a ton of great technology to power our planet, to forego use of nuclear weapons and to even live peacefully on earth.

We need to consider if this is a great time of healing and awakening to a sense of our capacities as human beings with more abilities and talents than we were ever led to believe or use. Gregg Braden, Eric Pearl and many others share this kind of hopeful scenario. Are we able to receive the messages? The power structures that would have people stay and live 'in the dark' may simply 'fall away'...maybe not without a fight along the way, but possibly shift more humbly than they can manage thus far. 

Some signs had Trump's days numbered..368 in office with about 1100 to go if he doesn't get impeached or otherwise step down. The impact of the march will likely be felt for weeks to come and by women and men around the country. If Men had a Women's March, would as many show up? Would they carry the signs and have a sense of the urgency of many of the same issues? What kind of gaps exist between men and women in this modern age that could be discussed by all genders in meaningful ways? Maybe that's happening online and I'll have to google. 

The #MeToo movement was represented by a dozen or more people I saw, some with large signs. Another woman is doing a documentary and interviewed me as I was sitting on a metal post helping people not get pushed into it as a crowd was moving toward the street. Later I did some movement to the music from afar (Bateria drumming) and just related to the huge river of people, mainly women, filling the streets and basically being very orderly and decent to one another.

I gave a few folks hugs from my post and later to a couple who were having a cigarette. I shared that they could count that as a tobacco peace offering as the Lakota do. The gifts of the White Buffalo Calf woman were to help the people stay strong..and are worth looking up. They include the sweat lodge, naming ceremony and pipe use when offering prayers and intentions to strengthen the community and appreciate the earth and give thanks, yes to The Creator.

They were the couple from Argentina who just happened to come across the event on their visit. I took some photos and videos and others did of me as I was wearing a shirt I had made up that says "Feel Love From Above" on a light and dark blue tie-dye background. It's to remind us of those who came before us and likely are rooting for us from heaven, and the divine on our side and other efforts that may come to mind. I also had my "Woman On A Mission' bag from Feed Co. whose proceeds help others abroad with basic food and education.

Seeing more on other posts here and on Battered Mothers Custody Conference can help fill in the blanks about why women are suffering so much in this country. One woman told me that Black Women are 12x more Likely to be Killed than a White Woman, even in New York City if I am recalling correctly. It's a terrible plight..and her sign may have read Black Womens' Lives Matter. I met a few folks from the LI group of Moms Against Gun Violence, including one fellow. A few other men had signs about "I'm Sorry" and  "We Men Have to Do Better." I couldn't help but smiling feeling a dream was coming true. There is a group Men Against Violence Against Women I think... so there's more hope on all sides... now if Donald Trump will read this blog...and tweet it to his followers please..

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