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A "Last Ditch Effort" to Save Our Ship ( Southern Berkshire Toastmasters MemberSHIP That is!)

on Mon, 03/14/2022 - 05:14

An Open Letter to All Toastmasters In the World (and that's A LOT of Toastmasters, past, present and hopefully Future!) "Houston, We have a problem..." The Southern Berkshire Toastmasters Club which has run in good working order with amazing leadership for a full 25 YEARS as of April 1st (no foolin') is about to Close Up Shop after a lot of heartfelt and steadfast effort to find new members since the club has gone to a zoom format (and even leading up to that in recent years.)

Well, when I realized this was a possibility a few months ago and more recently a 'foregone conclusion' (and have a post a week or so about it, at first I was feeling there wasn't much to do to 'reconsider' but then heard there was a sliver of an opportunity IF 3 of the current members stayed aboard and welcomed another five, a handful of new members (and some could come from other clubs I just learned, as a member of a second club!) So while relaying this to the small group of members who feel they need to "call it" I wanted to explore the possiblity as a theory and even a reality to keep the club going on zoom for another six months (which would start July 1st. There is a meeting March 15th and the last hurrah at this point is planned for March 30th...but It's Up to the Wider Community to Think on this and explore the possibility as well.

There are some requirments to being a member and of course to leading the group and more info and a handbook can be found on Thanks for any ideas and ways to apply these hopes to other clubs and movements that may be on the brink of closing, shrinking or stopping with or without notice.

A Toastmasters Club could be revived within six months if those three members resume things with the additional required number (and it may be more than five but to start a brand new club would take 20 members.)

So again worth thinking through since hundreds have heard and benefitted directly and indirectly (family, friends, public talks and more) from having a club in the area. Thanks again and grateful for forums and a country where free speech is not only allowed but hopefully Encouraged!

With much gratitude for all everyone has done to found and keep the club going with taking on roles to lead, run meetings and much more! This is an effort to help the world in a critical time to encourage more peaceful ways of communicating and addressing concerns and even conflicts or differences of opinion.  Maybe I'll give a talk on that before long (and there are many posts that speak to that on this blog.)

Here's a letter I sent to our club today and now am sending 'to the wider community and world' since the meetings would be on zoom!
 I am letting you know I got the news that our club  is ending shortly... and wanted to ask more of our members to consider the 'investment that is being lost' in terms of closing the club once and for all..
.I know there is a lot going on (trust me, same it true for me...) but I think the bigger opportunity for the area would be to do 'an all call' to the region and help them understand the benefits of Toastmasters and the club's standing over 25 years...and see if people would be motivated to come on board to keep the boat afloat...That's not the usual reason to join, to save a dire situation, but it's a reality that many may be interested in that's why I was hoping to 'buy time' (almost literally...a bit like paid advertising. 
That would mean two other members beside myself paying one more round of dues along with five new members which I basically have in my circles here...and then doing the minimal to assure 'success' in terms of a monthly meeting (even if we keep two on the charts, as I've described...) The Community may feel honored to be asked to meet us 'at the door' and realize what awaits many more for a few more seasons if not years in terms of the speaking and networking opportunity (on zoom...) 
That forum (online only for the meetings is okay) and expands the audience again why not encourage one or two folks to 'keep their hat in the ring' with me and see if we can help the energy and reality of the club pull through. That could also result in more PR with press in the newspapers and so on when we are in need of just that. Furthermore I am hoping the main hub and Districts and Areas for instance would drum up more ways to keep clubs going with ideas and energy along these lines...So I am not trying to be stubborn or difficult but rather thorough in exploring the options 'for real' for ourselves as well as other Clubs (even of many kinds.) 
Thanks for letting me share that here (and I'll put that on my blog and to the other members....) This is the meaningful kind of 'take away' from being part of the group for a long time, even if not speaking formally (for a few different reasons, but again I'm feeling motivated to 'begin anew' and trust that I'd find my way much like many do whether newbies or tech-shy or otherwise challenged...
I will join another club to cover the bases...and was hoping to get someone from a club with experience to double up on their membership and join ours (even to help with a leadership role if they have that talent...or are ready to take that on confidently...) Okay thanks again, and hope things are going well for everyone.Best, Catherine