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Looking forward to the Amazing Beautiful Community of The Awakening World Online Programs

on Thu, 12/29/2022 - 00:12 is the link you'll want to check out to learn more about this rather ecletic exciting group of folks who keep the world spinning in a spectacular direction of mystical and magical ways. I need to tune in a bit more but have enjoyed a few shows over the year. Hope to summarize some highlights here but hope to see you on a zoom room there! Happy 2023 for you and your family and circles 1, 2, 3!

In case you're more of a radio person, check out any station. Just being aware of one's own world versus connecting with what folks are saying or sharing online or a television or radio or podcasts, in the media and movies can help one 'check in with what century one is living in'...especially as the decades add up to more than a few, but even before. Of course many kids are more savvy than older adults about Youtube and Tiktok and so on but finding our way together is part of the see you on FB or thereabouts or a program that we both happen to land on or see each other at in the tri-corner MA/NY CT area.

Often the concerts or shows at The Warner Theatre move on to another venue on tour so that's one way of letting the arts connect us. Great to see what local areas have for the arts and smarts too, so check out what's happenin' at local schools and colleges, and help get the next generation tuned into th arts and culture as a way of connecting with community. See what offers also and thanks for donating to good causes I share here or ones of your own. It all adds up.

The Dewey Hall  folks hosted The Berkshire Players who did a great job on their radio drama before a live audience of The Christmas Carol, so check that out for a treat too! Get your popcorn ready and a sit back with a few folks and give it a listen. See more on their FB page or

 Rather transportive and a timely message for all in this age of a greater divide between too many groups of people and even countries. Let's have a little more togetherness, shall we?