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Looking forward to meeting many of the women sharing in this lovely portrait show on 3/30/22

on Fri, 03/25/2022 - 23:40

  March is Women's History Month and also International Women's Day was March 8th. What better way to celebrate than having a collaborative project highlighting an array of women from CT with a show of portraits (made from photographs) at the Hartford CT Capitol Building (in the Legislative Building near the Concourse.) (I'm the fifth one down on the display.) The exhibit runs through March 30th with a reception from 3-5pm on that last day. I plan to be there and meet many of the other women and all guests too!

I am grateful to have taken part in the experience which included making a trek from the Northwest Corner of CT through Hartford (Via I-84 E staying in the lanes heading toward Boston but then having to cross over a few lanes to get off on Route 2 to make it down to Colchester CT to the studio near the center of town. ) I have to give myself credit for that drive since I'm not a road warrior of late.

That's been the case not since my Big Trip to Hawaii just before the pandemic in February of 2020 and then I came back via AZ and NM, flying out of Phoenix to NYC on March 6th, 2020 and heading back to CT by the 10th before many rules and regulations made interstate travel much more challenging. I shared more about that in earlier posts.

Now the world is waking up along with the promise and colors of spring! Let's make the most of these profounding transformed times, with a need to network more online and advocate for safety in many fields. See other posts on that for important concerns for All Women and Children and any victims of abuse whatever the gender, age, ethnicity, financial or social standing. See more posts on this blog for important resources not found readily on mainstream media.

For starters see, to gain insight to troubling trends and the truly heroic warriors who have done serious decades of observing, clarifying and advocating laws to protect people in abusive situations especially during parenting or custody conflicts.

See more about Kayden's Law and VAWA which can light up every state house with groups and rallies to help more people understand the 'long fight ahead'. It's important to have more strategies and fly a bit 'under the radar' since many 'Father's Rights' groups may fight reform.

There are funds to train people in the courts to help more people learn that safety of children and women needs to be prioritzed. Every state needs to seek ways to implement the guidance and terms of Kayden's Law,named for the young girl from Pennsylvannia whose biological father ended her life before taking his own as well in his home during a court-mandated visit that Kayden's strong mother Kathy fervently was trying to prevent.

See more from and from the National Family Violence Law Center based at George Washington University. Peace and light to all. Lighting a candle for the healing of survivors and the spirits of those whose lives were ended due to domestic violence or related to that danger and dynamic. Forgiveness, healing and growth is needed as people, communities, systems and the greater human family!