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Lots of Amazing Ideas and Offers Percolating on

on Wed, 03/30/2022 - 14:10

I'm heading over the Legislative Office Building near the Hartford CT State Capitol (the one with the golden dome one can see from afar) to meet many of the wonderful women and people at the reception on the final day of the exhibit organized by (on her FB page is a link to this year's show and last year's is on the site.) More info on other posts here too...but before I head out I wanted to share inspiring ideas I read from an email from along with great offers he has. I've enjoyed many talks he's given and ideas over the years. His is a story worth learning and his offers to help us tune up our frequency to attract and accept more of the good stuff that fuels our souls and lives are worth knowing about and sharing! See more on his site and enjoy the ideas of transforming on the daily with positive thoughts and sounds guiding us along our way. Best to all and HugEnergy!