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More CNAs, Home Health Aides and Companions and Helpers needed for Seniors and let's help everyone find the needed help

on Thu, 04/01/2021 - 22:24

One person looking for work put an ad on a local FB community page and got offers from agencies and my two cents... Such as looking at joining with a friend or two possibly also looking at the jobs available to consider joining as well.. That's for doing senior care and childcare even pet care and housework or tutoring... It can take a while to find a good match but there are many offers and 'it only takes one...'

Good luck and get ready to more hours than you can fill. It'd be nice to have more local pools of people who would like to do that kind of work without having to pay the monthly 20/fee and yet also do more 'chores, and related services' such as with Chore Service etc.

Some programs will not work with people who already have a live in or some services, so for instance Meals or Chores may not be available to someone with a live-in.

Some people need help figuring out 'all of the above' for short-term or longer a Team to Help people figure that out would also be in order.

Learning basic legal guidelines and so forth makes sense...from and even what is offered in NY, through NY CDPAP to help people to have home care from family and friends without needing to pay out of pocket or later necessarily which is generally required in some states if people are low-income. Terms may vary in each state as well as programs available. NY is unique in its guidelines and is worth learning about for those who live near NY on any side.

Thanks for all sharing in the joy and work of learning The Basics and putting more effort into 'neighbor helping neighbor' even by learning about Power of Attorney (and states may vary in their paperwork and it may be helpful to have one in each state that one lives in if in two states or transitioning...

Wherever one lives for six months and one day can be deemed one's primary state and qualify for those programs. Then people can be 'snow birds' or travel for some programs but not all. Some require someone to be home and not travel other than to a few medical appts and to get one's hair done...

This is just a sample to get conversations going and hopefully help people plan ahead and find More Support Early On rather than 'wait til it's too late', especially if someone is showing signs of mental or physical or even social decline or isolation...which is of course something more common with the last year. All the more reason to plant a new garden of good efforts (of jump in the lake of possibilities that life offers...)

Best to all and happy to network, Catherine Palmer and blogger on where many resources and ideas are shared for free as a public service and effort to help more people get in the thinking things through game...