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More Reflecting on What to Do About Ukraine (whether Sweden and Finland would Join NATO ) and in general...let's pray and think together!

on Wed, 03/09/2022 - 17:01

Here is a comment I shared on a news site open to comments. Hope this is helpful. I also wrote to The Lakeville Journal of CT for their March 10th, 2022 issue. That is a rare independent newspaper in the NW Corner of CT which has been in business for a hundred years (or so it seems,I"ll have to check.)

I will post that shortly as well. Meanwhile I am hoping more people will join the Southern Berkshire Toastmasters Club to help is stay afloat as a Zoom Forum club. I will take on a leadership role so that would be great to meet more folks from around the country and world. But all this has to be done as soon as possible!

Please message me on my public FB page so we can do this, especially if you are a tech savvy person or one ready to learn of taking on a leadership role with training from

I met a woman from Belgium who was interested so I know there may be some good folks near and far ready to keep such forums, this one running a quarter of a century and enriching the community in many ways person by person with support for running an efficient meeting, being respectful and supportive with feedback to speakers and basically enjoying the larger online presence and offerings, including speech contests (really nice forums to share with more people with timed prepared talks and so forth, although a Table Topic or Evaluation contest does not allow for preparation beyond the meeting time.)

So let's join all efforts toward supporting one another with these online and networking forums on all levels! My public FB pages are Catherine Palmer Paton or Livfully.

From one person's spiritual insights (Eve Wilsdon on and author of Riding the Wave of Change which I got four copies of to share with others...), she has had a message that things will not be as bad as they seem to be and that this may be part of a larger process for humanity to evolve with love.

I consider many deeper aspects as well about what this may mean as I have heard and learned that we may all have lived many lifetimes and historically we can see that humanity has experienced an overall evolution from getting basic survival needs to forming meaningful relationships and societies.

We are being called into a world forum to use our choices, votes and voices to discuss the options 'as though in a play or movie' of our collective own making, not looking only to a higher power or outside forces. This situation is one that may prompt more awareness of our global village and even the concerns looming about climate change for which we need to prepare.

Women and children are being protected which is strategic and promising, yet more need to way in around the world about politics, economics and have protection early in life from being owned or forced into marriage, motherhood and more. More of humanity could shift things with meditation and 'energetic' support, maybe prompting the timely political and military course as well in each country and alliance.

See the organization and others like The Red Cross to donate to help the effort with friends or on your own as you can. I plan to do so soon but also am doing this blog and special outreach for CT Women and online with a picture is worth a thousand words as they say...and representing an array of women and others working for a better world can resonate to more women and youth around the world to keep fighting for respect and for the good guys on the planet and all transfolks and people from all walks of life to join together and make the world a safer place to live, work, love, pray and dream!