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Moving into a Wiser, Caring, Aware and Involved Arena from the Personal to the Public Realms of Politics, End of Life Care and even 9-11-01 "No Lies Radio" films

on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 17:20

I shared the following with a new group of End Of Life Doulas from the programs which I am training to learn more about helping people who are facing terminal illness or serious conditions of decline so families and support people have the information and encouragement to make decisions (yes about things like being an organ donor, having life support if that were an option and needed, having hospice and much more...even how to address the time of dying, after death and care for the loved one possibly at home or in a more personal way.)

There is a Home Funeral Alliance promoting more ways for people to stay connected to the care and process of saying farewell to their loved one with support. Some traditions have the family less involved and perhaps others close to the family caring for the body of a deceased loved one or someone in their care. This kind of delegation may be more of a tradition in a Jewish community or other close knit social or religious group. Knowing the options in one's country, state and local area is important before having to make important decisions. There is a free online training in some basics along these lines from I have found it helpful and will be pursuing more along these lines to work in those areas, offering talks and times for people to network in the Brooklyn NY and Western CT areas. More End of Life Doulas are needed and trainings are ongoing, sometimes at a savings, so stay posted for that as well.

Thanks for the inspiration as we step into September 2017, just after the solar eclipse that many say will help usher in a greater sense of connection to one another, the planet and even the stars. I am taking an online program with Jennifer McLean whose in CA but will be coming to Kripalu near Great Barrington MA in early November. I have her books on 'Spontaneous Transformation.'

She does live call in prayer hours on the 17th of each month and they are archived and free on her site/ her name or Healing With the Masters. I also like the programs on The Shfit Network which will have a free series for 11 days starting on 9-11. About That time in 2001, there are many theories that may be worth considering since it involves serious concerns about what happens 'at the top'. I watched The New Pearl Harbor and will summarize on my blog, One of the obvious problems they point out is that 'planes do not fly through buildings'..they explode on impact. The pictures we are shown about it depict a plane coming out of one of the buildings. The main people who could have made the order to shoot down the planes over DC (which is a No Fly Zone if planes do not respond and there is evidence they were tracked from 50 miles away and did defying stunts to hit 'just a little of the Pentagon to meet the requirements to declare war'.

These theories are the way to pay homage to the victims killed in the explosions and collapses. The passenger planes likely were diverted in a way that can be undetectable by radar if a military drone (or manned military plane) gets close behind and below the plane. It's a mix of 'magic show tricks,, planned stalling on shooting the planes/drones down by having key people unreachable at the critical times, and even the VP, Dick Cheney likely very key to What Went Down. Since we as EOL Doulas are supposed to have high ethics I feel it makes sense to pay attention to these arguments and consider the implications

Even in natural disasters the arranged official plans often fall short, leaving people stranded due to blunders or lack of planning. While many things may happen which we cannot prevent, working together to have local game plans and networks likely will carry us through many ups and downs related to storms, floods, winter weather and so on.

Eventually more people may need to move inland due to oceans rising and transitioning can be supported by groups of people working together. Maybe part of our expertise in helping with the elderly will give insight to those facing transition in general and particularly moving elderly in a timely manner if dangerous conditions seem likely.

Okay, I know that was a lot to share, but since we are coming around to the 9-11 anniversary no harm in having a more balanced view of the possibilities. 'Looking for or creating a reason to go to war,which is what FDR apparently did with allowing Pearl Harbor to be attacked so the public would support going into Europe was the plan followed apparently so the public would allow Bush to go into Afghanistan (the papers were on his desk on 9-10-01) to sign. The videos are on No Lies Radio.

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