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From My Heart to Your Ears or Eyes or Hearts...Fellow Heartlings! Something I shared on our town forum..

on Sun, 02/13/2022 - 16:38

Here's something that prompted my response...A Roadside Sign With A Funny Thought: Shouldn't there be another word for Thesaurus?!

Someone chimed in that "lexicon" and 'vocabulary" came to mind. Others said they liked the signs and spirit in which they were shared. I agree...then added the following series of thoughts and since I'm an open book, you get to be on that thread. So this is from me, Catherine Palmer Paton, blogger on Livfully for over a decade~ By the way, Happy Valentine's Day and a Shared Sense of Growing in Lots of Good Ways this month and with appreciation for a day of rest and whatever positive associations you have with the days of this month, including today, Feb. 13th!

If possible more businesses and folks can 'communicate and signal' one another with wisdom about temps dropping (Black Ice Warnings) or downed wires or trees ahead, tornado or storm or even water, wind heat or cold problems...or other warning that people may not know about.

We could have a set of colored flags with the basic few word warning (on signs that can be posted on the billboards that are super secure so as not to cause a hazard by being blown around.

Even a sign of Call 911 Now could be made for windows and neighbors practice looking for other warning signs (For victims of Abuse and if other concerns that could be a big help as would regularly check-ins for each person to make or ask for whether certain times daily, weekly, monthly or for various matters.)

Everyone should have a POA for instance and know more about ADLs for those who may need help (and not wait til it's too late with a driving or living emergency....voluntary check ins are part of most people's lives even if they don't say it...

Thanks for considering and I have many ideas I've shared on my blog, PM me unless it's okay to share here...I've tried to provide a ton of info and ideas for decades and now that seems to be in hope we can make the most of that energy!

By the way I was happy to get a thesaurus as an 8th Grade Graduation award and think my sis liked it more than I did...and some may know I've been known to coin a phase or make up latest is 'Heartling" meaning all on earth with hearts, life and even the environment and other energies factoring into this special experience on Planet Heart (Doesn't that ring true?

When ten percent of humanity (and maybe other living beings and even some in the spirit realm) join in the idea of 'a unified energy field with healing and hope as the guides, more positive 'soulutions' will emerge to help more live peaceably and sustainably on earth...that may mean less waste, greed and destruction or war and more health, talent and friendship emerging maybe just in time to give us a longer lease on our earthship and existence..."

Nice 'writing prompt' and feel free to PM me with ideas I can share on my blog or just hear under wraps... Best to all and let's continue with that sense of a Community That Dares to Care and Share!