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By Now Everyone Has An Opinion About DC Jan. 7th, 2021 Tragic Events and Loss of Four Lives

on Fri, 01/08/2021 - 23:34
I imagine many people who are not usually glued to the tube found themselves needing to find out more details once they heard about what was happening on Thursday, Jan. 7th, 2021 in Washington DC with 'mobs storming the White House', a shift from a rally or protest about President Trump not winning re-election according to the powers that be in all states and the federal government.
There are sites that have discussed many aspects of government, the what-if's about many things (whether there are aliens or undergound control groups and more... ) yet many people feel President Trump and others in leadership roles were egging people on to 'storm the Capitol' and to fight the outcome of Biden being declared the Presidential Winner (and thus Trump the Loser.) As of January 8th, 2021, Trump is saying he will step aside (but there are some online that say...stay tuned for sure...)
This next part is what I wrote in response to some people sharing their heartfelt concern about the violence and loss of lives in the DC calamity when some others were making light of it apparently...I am with the former, and want to take a Moment of Silence here and now...and appreciate that 100 folks gathered with candlelight in Southbury CT to stand in the gap and promote healing for America.
More ways to reclaim sanity and safety for people of all ages and our country and the wider world as well is something that each person can lean into with their own care and compassion, even for themselves since the reality that our world is one big bowl of energy (or jello as one friend shared her creative view of humanity...and I'll add the physical world as well, and prana encapsulating the idea that there is light, energy and information in the very air we breathe so becomes part of us...)
How we use our heart and mind energy is key to how life goes, many say, from the mystics to more scientists and others from various fields. See what David Shiang shares in his books and online (and help me catch up with his would be a good time to consider our world's and humanity's scene and options in more forums.
Maybe we will find we are all more in agreement about how to proceed and prevent more difficulties rather than wait for things to boil over or become a tug of war over scarce resources or extreme beliefs...Now here's my FB post...and thanks for all everyone is taking time to learn about and offer healing space to whether for people, animals, plan-it heart or the systems that we are part of and rule the world...
Thanks to all finding a way to begin to address these matters in ways that create more local responses to hopefully think things through that are in our control..whether in a family, relationship, social circle, neighborhood, town, area and so on.
There are plenty of people with concerns and valid needs, transitional challenges whether due to CV19 or politics. shared yesterday, the monthly call from the Federal Govn't /President to the Governors did not address early warning signs and concerns with the states thinking the FEMA would be backing them better at Trump's direction and Trump giving a general idea that he would support the states initiatives.
The result was a whole lot of nothing but confusion reigned..and every state and area was caught in a bind to get PPE and other things in place. With the bringing White House reporter to Hotchkiss to let people know firsthand Trump was a man of many tweets with an agenda that could go 'everywhere and nowhere' one day to the next, more think tanks to address practical needs could have been created among 2nd tier leaders such as college, high school, grade school and work place communities to get key conversations going.
What IF is theme question I explore on I was mainly 'taking time off' from being too serious, but since CV19 made itself known, I have tried to ask some questions to remind US All we need to think practically for ourselves and everyone in our communities (via schools and people of each age group, which is an idea that would still help people regroup.)
Ralph Nader has offered a similar idea of people joining together based on their age and there's AARP once people are nearing 50 to tune into whether for some tips about aging.
By 65, everyone needs to know about Medicare and the programs to sign up for to help cover costs if one qualifies. Those amounts can change so learning early and often to plan accordingly is helpful.
Back to the 'crisis du jour' and considering the particulars of this situation, we are fortunate to have Marshall Miles and Brian Ross talk things over and of course plenty of coverage online, some from alternative sites as well if there are valid concerns and points to be heard.
Hopefully more 'protests and rallies' can occur online with speakers spelling out points and actual ways to explore issues and promote changes if they would be beneficial.
Okay back to blogging on (and at from which I can export the posts more readily, make e-books and more...especially as I network or get some helpers along the feel free to be in touch if that's of interest.)
There are many special events and better times to appreciate from over the years covered on the blog. I can cover other ideas and events people would like to share as PM me some as may be of interest.
Thanks in advance for all of the good work everyone is doing this year on many fronts...maybe list some of that so I can share that as well whether you're up for acknowledgement of not (but to help people understand the behind the scenes training, volunteerism, work and other efforts from faith groups to free care for others, or even paid caregiving that helps others get to work...and more...
Best to all and here's to healing and creating a better society for all in 2021 and the rest of the 2020s...2030 is 'just around the corner' in many ways, and we would do well to have that vision clarified so we can them map out steps and folks to arrive there as safely and soundly as possible for these important times, locally, state and nationwide and globally...