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Now for Something Practical and Timely: CT Updating and Changing Some Exit Numbers to Comply With Federal Regulations

on Wed, 03/16/2022 - 13:46

Please see 'CT upgrading highway exit numbers' at

To get funding from the federal government, the standards to comply with are set and each state is considering ways to come into alignment with those if they want to continue to receive funding. The exit numbers may relate to mileage markers as well (somethnig to look into in the future...)

Best to all and keep lots of Driving Safety Tips in mind, some of which I share here on (and yes, I'd like to number my posts by dates and organize with a Table of Contents, so am hoping to get help from or thereabouts to do just I did for making the (but the person didn't carry the posts over chronologically, so that's why I'd like to number these on this site and add them to those...and make another website to comply with all the hoopla for selling, sharing and so on, but maybe the wordpress site is sufficient for that. 

Send me ideas and support at my public FB page and hope that helps others map out modes of connecting and getting to where they want to be going! See more about joining and too since you can visit many clubs if you travel or want to once a member of one club (or just as a guest for starters!) Happy Spring and take time to relax and warm up your voice and Sing (tips on that in recent posts too with a special offer!)