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Out takes from the Big Show of Fireworks in 2021...Can we find other ways to celebrate with creativity and care, talent and bigger ways to share?

on Thu, 01/21/2021 - 14:46
Rather awesome Inauguration...(aside from too many fireworks for these climate and economic times...) Maybe more can be done with light shows and using footage of other fireworks to create the same look on TV and such and have a few live ones in future firework events. Overall, thought things went quite well...I put some parts of Pres. Biden's speech on my blog, too. Best to all in this new inspiring time...


    From another person...The fireworks were the best part. So many other things to fret over.
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      Hi there, I am considering the economic pricetag, the environmental impact, the cost on other levels too such as air pollution and chemical and mental effects on people (known and unknown, especially in close range), the noise (not good for hearing and really possibly harmful to pregnancies...and plenty of other human conditions..hearing, chakras and so on plus ditto for the animals...)
      I feel we can be happy with footage of thunderstorms,, snow falling or other natural wonders and lots more..and sure maybe a 5-10 minute show of lovely fireworks but easy on the kabooms.
      Plus we have views of the stars many a night in rural areas, so plenty to enjoy in the sky..even sunsets but chemtrails and pollution not the best. If America wants to be a team player in the world we could cut down on the over the top consumption of resources.
      At almost 60 years of age without seeing all that much of the fanciful world, I feel content...Most people work so hard they feel happy to have a decent meal and watch Jeopardy... some good movies would be nice but I don't think I've found or made time to watch one in again, I have plenty to catch up on someday and trust most people at this point need very little to feel they are having a meaningful life.
      A few friends, some good food, exercise, and sense of belonging (without surprise attacks on one's person...yet with a hope to address valid concerns and create a shared vision of competency and communication on many fronts...with lots of layers and options to get the feelings, concerns, ideas and next steps figured out...)
      Those are the real fireworks we can never have enough of....and appreciating everyone's journey and successes along the way, ways to care for pets and people 'the next house or town over' and lots more. Dining For Women for instance has a lot of amazing efforts they support (all online now) with talks and so on. Pooling concerns and money to help one another is rather exciting and why not head in that direction with the 'extra resources of time, talent and resources' and call those Friendly Fireworks?!
      I'm grateful Biden signed the US back up for the  Paris Climate Accord, and The World Health Organization (WHO) and withdrew us from the Keystone XL lots to applaud there. 
      In the future it would be wise to outfit everyone with earplugs but also to review the whole plan for an event like that or similar ones with environmentalists, medical and therapeutic folks, indignenous people and more... The high cost likely could have created many good programs for people on reservations and helped homeless people get to warmer living places if they need to be outdoors or prefer that. More 'entitlements to camp somewhere' and within one's hometown borders or within walking or short ride (half hour) distance would be an amazing way to kick off a real change for people to feel connected to the land if not the housing in an area. NY State allows people the right to remain in NY even without housing to live in...and that could be replicated in every state and city...with encampments or other ways to allow for people (even if a limit needs to be set, for numbers of people and numbers of years) to stay in one area or another, possibly with some other programs allowing people travel and accommodations (at other encampment sites for example.) There should be separate housing for all women and children in every community always available since we now understand there is a great need and broken incompetent response system to addressing domestic abuse. All social relationships need to be 'vetted' and assessed for safety, With people aging, that may include understaning dementia, decline in abilities to manage one's finances, housing, care costs and more. There should be short-term and longer periods of safety nets to help people comprehend which zone one is functioning in and what support is needed. Allowing honest, competent help to assist is complicated but necessary. The more forums that can meet basic needs the people are not left in a lurch 'just when they're needing others the most' That happens with many types of crisis, illness (and yes the pandemic should be informing more communities and individuals of the many steps to take if in need of guidance and support.) Turning one household into two is something that may be needed one hour to the next, and within a few days with support people can adjust, but each step is important. Too often those who can or should help can feel overwhelmed (too much at once even if a basic plan in place.) Thanks for thinking along these lines...and chiming in as you can in your circles..feel free to use these ideas to get the ball rolling... I can be contacted for some help as well at or