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A Request for Healing and Peace from One Person to Another..Let's Find a Better Way toward Safety for All

on Sat, 05/30/2020 - 13:41

There are so many aspects of the modern situation in the wake of the passing of George Floyd under dire and difficult circumstances. Let's spell out everyone's concerns and understand the underpinnings of injustice. The roots run deep, and whether against certain groups African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, women, youth or elderly...things have got to change in this modern social and online forum.

Much of what I explore and share from many parts of the country and over time could inform these times. We need ongoing efforts to sort all of this out and make more sense out of the longtime wrongs that need healing with laws and steadfast efforts. Clearly the pain and passion is there..and now making a longer commitment to see inequalities addressed from basic standards of living for decent housing food, medical and educational and other basics are key.

Then personal accountability to help people make requests and be team players for self-care and assisting one another with teams of advocacy (especially in family matters, divorce, custody or other patterns of conflict, change, difficulty and so on) could prevent a lot of harm and decline. Thanks to all finding a way to engage but to also stay safe. Peace and light and see prior posts.

The systems of power and policing need to be monitored and addressed effectively. There need to be teams of support in every community to make sure complaints and concerns can be acknowledged and addressed effectively Let's make this a new better day and shift with a sense of the greater good and possiblities for the future...