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Sharing A Bit More With Local FB Groups about the prior post about and more

on Thu, 03/24/2022 - 16:32

Hoping to get leaders and community members from the tri-corner area savvy about the Torrington Toastmasters club that meets online (go to and see the club for that area or the one that's ending in the Southern Berkshires..or check their FB page for their last meeting to be a guest, the end of a 25 year run!) I have tried to 'save that ship' but needed two others who just weren't up for that. 

There are requirements to meet as non-profits but we could have gone into an 'inactive status' for six months with just Three Dues Paying Members. There may still be a sliver of a chance to do that (but I'd have to hear back within a few days...) I could be a member of Two Clubs, that one and the Torrington one and hopefully nurture the former back to life with 8 paying members and so forth. 

The Benefits for the Community is Critical for The Community To want to learn about! All people over age 18 can be a part of that club and work on self-improvement in listening, taking on roles to run a meeting in a timely, friendly manner, give feedback, talks and presentations (often on zoom) and Much More!

 Friendships and connections naturally form with time to visit afterward (bringing a lunch or sharing tables at a restaurant after meetings as we did at the Berkshire Co-op, all paying for our own meals if pressure!) These ideas may help others Keep Their Clubs and Leaderships teams and members encouraged and connected! Hope that's helpful and I have shared a lot about life Before the Pandemic which can be used to help us Come Back to Life (as much as possible with good practices for safety and health of course.)

 Looking forward to helping more people get help by sharing the online and networking skills I have learned and hope to form TEAMS to do more of that (within the many rules and regs that do exist!) Still there's this shining sliver of hope and promise called Freedom and it's a rather precious thing to know about, value and protect for oneself And Others,