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Sharing Cool Resources such Wake Up Your Life Is Calling

on Tue, 01/28/2020 - 16:54

Hi, In case you are in a hurry I put the title of a book I've been meaning to get in post heading. This incredible story by Mike Jaffe whose little girl had motivated him to want to spend more time in a different way (and took a day to go in late to work at the World Trade Center...on 9/11/01.)

A rather inspiring talk online too with him on Channel 8...Now I am sharing this because I jotted down the message and title, Wake Up! Your Life Is Calling (Why settle for fine when more is possible)..and what are the odds I am doing this just as I finalize my 'getting out the door' plans on a big trip. Thankfully I've had more positive messages from friends and even media surfing (the James Corban late night show with the song When the Last Ship Sails performed.) is the site of Mike Jaffe's.

I met someone who knew another fellow who wrote a similar book but I can't recall the title (again.) that person was actually, related...and basically his Mom. So hope that's okay to mention these many years later. She was amazing herself, having done stand up comedy. I thought I'd like to do that..and in a sense sometimes I do so informally (don't we all...intentionally or otherwise?)

Now as you know, I blog away so that need is basically fulfilled and there's no pressure to get to a gig or keep track of jokes or even dress well. I aspire to do those things (catch a plane, remember important details if Helps If One Writes Them Down, and pack some clothes and send some ahead just to 'cover the bases."

 I have the option to send some clothes ahead to a couple of locations to not have shlepp things across the country for an upcoming adventure!

One can always upgrade along the way at a thrift shop or however the wardrobe angels wink at one. I've always liked the idea of a Community Closet, something for people of every size. Around here, we have thrift shops and for the Very Thrifty, Free Giveaway places. So again, the bases are covered. Hope this helps you to get ready to...Wake Up (Your Life Is Calling!) Ring, ring... Have a sparkling day!