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Sharing At This Special Spring Time of Tibetan Special Day, Passover, Easter and Great Reflection on April 1st, 2021 Unfold

on Thu, 04/01/2021 - 20:24
Most of America and the world gratefully witnessed the highly-guarded Inauguration of President JosephRobinette Biden, Jr. and Vice President Kamala Harris. Hopefully even more were moved by
Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman with words of hope and encouragement.
 With the challenge of facing the 500K mark of Americans passing due to COVID with 2 million more worldwide in addition to all others who have passed in the last year, we can find more comfort and inspiration from many faiths and views about the human condition.
In a program of which women can be a guest for the first session online,
I heard Lissa Coffey of describe her inspiration for writing her latest book, 
She offers a daily inspiration from that amazing book which recounts Arjuna
being guided in a profound battle by Krishna.
Let us all consider the lessons and meaning  that Arjuna was seeing his family and friends on a battlefield in which he would face challenges to make life and death decisions.
In our modern world, we can 'draw words not swords' for living as though our lives and
moreover our souls depended on our choices and voices,
on how we treat one another and ourselves.
 That can be done with care and balance yet requires honesty and willingness
to learn and be part of a team at each age and stage of life. Let's honor the shared journey
we are on as well as our 'singular paths' with respect on all levels.
I offer many ideas and resources along those lines on 
Let's explore the ideas together, starting with one from the Daily Sharings from
Lissa Coffey as below.
You are not this body,
This garment that gets shed.
You are what continues
On this infinite thread.--Lissa Coffey
-Catherine Palmer Paton, as shared in a Letter to the Editor
earlier in 2021 to The Lakeville Journal of CT, online at