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Thinking Through Options for People to Look At Community Networking and Doing More Business Together (see post below about 'Going Into Business Together!)

on Sun, 03/27/2022 - 12:33

In this modern age asking folks if they want to go into business together may mean opening a fast food stand at a summer park to help people get food while still socially distancing (cuz  you never know when another variant will shake things up like a mini  tornado or earthquake and people have to 'head back inside and get safe...'

Many people were forced to learn zoom and ways to deliver goods to people online with no clear need to 'go back to the old way' necessarily. Some shops and ships sailed and 'that was that' for many restaurants, stores, and venues that drew people together. 

Yet people have to learn, earn and yearn to make ends meet and even plan for the future (their own and with their communities, states, country and world in mind) so again 'back to the drawing board as to how to do that exactly.' Well, there is that thing called the internet, the world wide web, FB and more... turns out 'that's where business is being done, whether socializing, finding info, hiring or creating jobs and much more in terms of helping people get the skills and support they are looking for  with a wider forum (not just who can show up locally.) 

Honing in on a 'hybrid model' of working with people to launch a business, many one knows personally or finds helpful online with credibility and again with certain common concerns, needs and interest in sharing skills and information is a key step in creating businesses, streamlining efforts and making the most of people's time, resources (precious and few as they may be or more abundant...either way using them wisely and being a team player is a value shared by most.)

I have taken time to explore some of the 'bigger ways' people are making an impact and succeeding (according to examples shared by the leaders of programs they run with testimonials backed up by numbers and interviews with some.)
 Offering insight into a problem or good idea to improve with an intriguing question hooks  people to seek more info from one source versus another on a topic they may have a keen interest in or get curious about. If someone opts in to get a free book or more info (video, access to a website and newsletter etc) then 'half the work is done' in terms of 'capturing an email to make one's own list rather than be dependent on FB and other social media.  This is a shift from experts saying that's what they are have investigated (and often heavily invested in with years of time and software etc) that can help people play a larger game.

As I am 'just one person' but doing my own outreach for years on and writing to newspapers and online forums as well as attending many events to get to know people and enjoy the shared efforts of so many fundraising to keep their non-profits, schools and emergency services afloat. 

I do that as a lifelong community member with ties to the tri-corner area (and some in Brooklyn NY which helped me see the world beyond that more could connect with as partners on many levels.)

 I also do this because I hope to create more waves of community networking, sharing of ideas and helping humanity and the planet in this important time (and particularly after the untimely passing of our heroic teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton who helped save two friends and another from drowning as summer warmed the waters of the Housatonic and they went to The Falls with a group of friends but no adults which had been an agreed upon plan by some parents 'in the know' but not all and not with all following the agreement, even not speaking terms over seriously with the youths and the high school and grade school which are nearby which would still be advisable.)

Hopefully everyone can see the benefits of supporting one another in sharing this kind of info as much as the good times one has and how one's garden is growing (and that's a nice analogy to keep in mind for doing business and learning more about permaculture to promote caring for a group or people, resources and the earth in balanced ways.) 

With the Ukranian river of refugees flooding Poland and spanning out to other countries, keeping the flow of support on many levels is important  and a reminder 'that could be any country due to climate change' so how can we prepare to work together in helpful ways? 

Thanks for thinking on these things. This post is regarding a decision I need to make about a certain program to work with Ryan Levesque this month, and really if would be ideal if some business folks wanted to help support my efforts or others who could invest and help carry the new internet marketing business forward in ways that could last for years to help more people work along these lines (and others get the products and services they need.) The overall benefit from this endeavor would be to learn together and to boost business.

I have learned from Viktor Grant of Socisnap as well as Builderall which has 'done for you' funnels in 500 fields to help small businesses upscale their outreach a bit like what the programs from Ryan do (the overall idea is to get emails and grow a list and then be able to develop relationships and offer other services and products and affiliate offers as well. )

 By the way if you want to 'skip all that' and just send me your email with a note about something or just that, feel free to do so at I'd really love to hear from people who are interested in trying to get more of this kind of effort off the ground but also 'what's worked to help you get you going in your life and what's been difficult or not the best use of your time, talent, and treasure.' 

Also 'what do you feel could make your town, school or area better in terms of networking with others as families, neighbors, community members and the wider area? I share many topics on and would be happy to have help culling ideas from that as well to help spur more conversations and efforts to implement good ideas.

 With gas prices rising, even planning shopping trips (and offering to help one other person by picking up some items or possibly going together if one feels the possible insurance risk is okay--if someone is hurt or falls or thereabouts one can be sued possibly.) 

Overall, not having people in cars more than necessary or going on more trips than really needed is a basic safety strategy and better for the planet. That may mean vacationing less or closer to home rather than taking annual vacations to far off places. 

 We could have a  few anonymous 'guidance counselors and councils' with ideas of how to get needs and wants met without binge or splurge buying (even online programs as I review here...and many people have said they buy more because the offers are well presented, with bonuses or they want to learn it when they have time and so on. Just getting on the internet can be like going to a casino disguised as an amusement park or shopping mall. Pretty soon hours and months have flown by and pockets are emptied.

 Hopefully with a team of folks one double checks with (using an approved by counselors in their respective fields about making purchases online or even watching certain content etc,) the accountability and follow through would be high and reasonable. Setting a budget such as with You Need A Budget and learning from their free videos has been something recommended to me by younger folks who say it's a great tool. I even know someone who works at the company who was homeschooled and good at training dogs, so keep those values of good country living, 4H and Girl Scouts and such wisdom close at hand in life. 


Every faith and social group could remind people of the team effort needed to keep a club going and encourage people to live balanced lives and have help such as from as well (or calling for assistance if needed on the phone, 2-1-1 from a landline or maybe a cell phone too. 

Also in NYC that's or 3-1-1 if you're there or want to let others know who are travelling that way. It's still 9-1-1 to call for a medical or fire emergency etc or for police (and yes, I talk over pros and cons of many such situations on my blog since we've seen the Black Lives Matters Movement with implications for everyone to consider.

 Keep in mind more about domestic violence and relationships, courts and custody and much more than the media makes time to discuss...and these also are topics with important resources on (including updates about Kayden's Law which is only in a few states--PA, HI and CT--but needs much more traction for women, children and victims of abuse to be safe when seeking to leave during a custody matter. Often parents do not live together ever or at the time of divorce or custody concerns, but every step is important to learn more about, even if just beginning a relationship, pregnant or talking of such things or making changes.)

 That's more than I meant to share but with such limited coverage on the mainstream media, it all matters. The lessons learned about 'social distancing' and keeping safe during COVID concerns was possibly the right one to share as it applies to relationships and living arrangements to become more clear and safe about one's home and relationships even with taking day trips or longer visits somewhere to Test the Waters of how one feels when in new settings, around supportive people and with help for one's basic safety planning and life. 

See more online about Domestic Violence resources yet be aware they cannot criticize the gov't or courts and often there are gaps in offers and funding. There are not long-term support services for housing, childcare and more for many victims of abuse.Shelters may have many rules and limited terms so there are many factors more community members may want and need to learn before insisting a victim of domestic violence leaves. 

In Oklahoma and possibly other states and with many child protective services, there may be criteria that 'blame the victim' with failure to protect or take the children into foster care from many angles. All of that is important for advocates and parents, especially mothers, to learn early and review often.

 Keeping kids and really everyone safe and cared for is the ongoing battle in most societies, and now we can factor ;coercive control and emotional support and types of neglect into the equation. We will make strides together and help more people live meaningful productive lives as we affirm basic values, much as we are seeing play out in the horrendous assault on Ukraine. 

These kinds of discussions are not easy but can be helpful for people to consider as the mainstream media promotes lives of consuming resources at a high rate of speed and luxury. Thanks for thinking on these matters as one can with a friend or send a note my way with honest feedback. Hope that's helpful and empowering!