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Thinking of Ways to Warn and HELP Each Other...especially those in need of safety, support and finding teams over time

on Sat, 03/20/2021 - 21:55
While many know about to find help for childcare and elder care, there is a need for more local support in each of the MA/NY CT tri-corner states to help people find help.
Many people have serious or sudden needs for information and guidance to get their ducks in a row (technical term for legal and practical and even social support) but don't know where to begin or need H-E-L-P!
With many volunteer efforts for emergency help, running towns and non-profits and faith groups...why would it be so strange to help people who actually need basic support?
"Whose job is it anyway to.....(fill in the blank) help with caregiving and even promoting safety at each age and stage of life?" I post quite a bit about practical efforts to bridge gaps in services and know that there are some efforts, yet also a clear need to coordinate efforts and help newbies (whether couples or others expecting a child or wanting to adopt or foster children or care for pets or learn about caring for a home, repairing one or putting in ramps and making a home safer for mobility issues and all sorts of practical care needs) or even more experienced people to keep their boat afloat for themselves and others (and that can be a challenge for anyone or small team...)
Okay so now that it's being voiced in a fairly simple way, and knowing there are a few (likely quite a number ) of people who could use support, why not give me a holler (PM me or write with some basic info of the kind of help needed and let's see what kinds of teams of support we can help people seek and find competent Teams of Helpers with plenty of training and back up and support with existing systems and filling in the gaps. )
Too many people may end up being 'bounced into a full care setting' or having to sign their house over for homecare coverage (moreso in CT than in NY for instance depending on what one owns...see NY CDPAP info and consider the laws are changing soon in NY to be more like CT...) And lots of other practical info is needed as well as in who is making which decisions legally for someone who is not clear about their rights (even in couples some may feel intimidated or not given options so each person could have a private consult with advocates...especially a lower income person, any woman, any person with less education or job experience or high caregiving responsibilities since it can be hard to take time to review other important matters for oneself or a situation at hand...) Also look at what Safe and Together Institute is offering for free online and with other programs that may benefit a community whether for households or regarding police officers or others in roles of power and control (Hint: such folks may be committing domestic abuse at higher rates than generally understood.)
Okay just to cover the bases and prepare more people to 'look ahead at the laws and legalities...pros and cons for instance of marrying or just working out agreements for sharing various aspects of owning things, having children (maybe seeing how it goes for 5 years before formally marrying since if a relationship is not going to last legally it usually ends at the 2 year mark (without kids) or at 7 kids (with 1 or 2 kids.)
Getting to know someone well including their friends, family, habits and see 'evidence' of what they say and do (tax returns, credit checks, valid degrees and so on) makes sense especially after more cases have been publicized of people with multiple relationships and identities. See what is discussed on Battered Mothers Custody Conference and CA Protective Parents Assoc.
Consider other posts I have shared on these disturbing trends of 'batterers getting custody 80% of the time' (and that is about 5% of divorce cases..since half of divorce cases involve kids...and about 40% of those may have abuse which would be about 25% of all divorces..
.Consider that with kids, about half of pregnancies are planned and half not...and about half of those are kept, so about 25% of pregnancies are ended (and some miscarry.) Even if planned, that is not a guarantee a father will not become abusive at the time or after pregnancy, and unfortunately all women need to be more educated about warning signs...and know that there are not always clear signs..but usually there are...Even leaving or having an abortion if the father wants that may not appease the it's pretty much a nightmare more people could try to care about and help women address...
With a lot of pot in the air and being legalized, many people may need to be monitored (and hopefully could voluntarily be ready to check in with competent people) to see if they are 1--functioning appropriately with money, time, social relationships, legal or parenting matters or other relationship responsibilities, driving (ideally not doing so 24 hours bottle to throttle as is the guideline for pilots..but none is better I think for those folks and even regular drivers...let's have more designated drivers and other safety tips shared as much as we focus on recipes and other aspects of health....)
Okay that's a lot so I'll plunk this on but thanks for checking these points out...and Let's please have all parents and adults monitor teens and young adults for appropriate learning to be fair team players in life...and not pressure anyone to grow up too fast and work endlessly (or not at all...)
Thanks for doing what you can along these lines and to get an annual physical to check one's A1C and even kidney function such as recommended by (which offers a free test kit at home with an app on an iphone etc...) Okay best to all...and Happy Springing!