Skip directly to content, Bright Line Eating, How NOT to Die (book) and more online interesting healthy eating ideas online

on Sat, 11/11/2017 - 17:36

Who has hasn't heard of Ocean Robbins and his dad John who was part of the Baskin Robbins Icecream enterprise? Ocean and his tribe is offering programs to promote healthy eating through free power hours (which play for limited times) and more comprehensive online programs. Some ideas I've read in the comments section is that 'not all oils are healthy for one'...they can block the production of nitric oxide.

Maybe even coconut and olive oil are in the troubling realm, even though there are plenty of other studies would say 'cold-pressed oils (not heated) organic are okay if not helpful...' Some say  raw coconut oil (and gently cooked or raw tumeric, garlic, ginger etc) can help with keeping memory issues at bay (that was from another site, not from anything John or Ocean Robbins said or wrote.)

There are no easy answers in terms of getting the 'experts to agree.' The Weston Price Foundation toots the benefits of milk from cows and maybe even meat. It's likely a matter of 'less is more' (less heavy foods, meat and milk) than what we were generally led to believe would be reasonable.

  People can be easily coaxed into very unhealthy eating by the constant media (television or online commercials, moview and TV shows that promote that kind of 'eat with no consequences' mindset and lots of noise, mess and stress in case people want to think about the Connection between What They Eat and How They Feel, Think and Function. WIth small steps in the healthier direction, more energy and mindsets of confidence and balanced living can start to take root. I had friends very into macrobiotics, gardening (organically, some who would start their own seeds, make sure the matter put on their garden for compost was as organic and natural as possible and lots more.)

There is a whole set of Basic Life Skills that are not offered to mainstream society and are likely kept from people learning readily not as a matter of chance but also as a strategy to keep people in the dark. When we are feeling stressed in life, more chemical changes in our bodies can impact our health. Stress makes cortisol levels go up so then there are more downward spirals for one's health to tend to (often resulting in lack of sleep, headaches, excess weight, more conflict about keeping a home or getting things done and increased costs for medicines or even indulgences for quick fixes or splurges to feel better, faster.)

Planning for eating healthfully, making larger quantities of food (so one can have a second meal and freeze some for another time) can save people time and money. Some people could work together and do some meal preparation if not shopping (and planning) together. Freezing foods can preserve the nutrients and flavor of foods (including fruits and veggies.) The initial quality of the food needs to be good and the freezing done promptly. Of course, you need a freezer (or be ready to buy frozen in qualities as one can afford.)

After a few decades of trying to pay attention to diet, needs and my own health, I wish I had adopted a friend's idea to have a 'meal for each day of the week' planned. I could almost call her up and ask but the idea is also explored on macrobiotic sites, to include a certain type of food or grain in each season, even month, and day of the week for interesting reasons. Some are more obvious reasons in some schools of thought..Ayurvedic has a way to assess different body types (energetically and physical features...) which benefit from certain types of foods, spices and routines. Overall, some highlights of BASIC EATING AND DRINKING advice likely could help more people not do damaging things to their health (and even their emotions.).

My Mom's advice is one I feel is true Sticking to Water (but not flooding one's system as is too often suggested by Western medicine but is not advised by Eastern medicine) as one's main fluid, perhaps mild herbal teas (such as chamomile, peppermint, sage, thyme etc), soup broths and DILUTED organic juice or without fake sweeteners or even any sugar if there are concerns about blood sugar levels and obesity. It's Easier to Think About and Learn About than to do all at once without turning back, but we are given hundreds of days, months and plenty of years to move in the direction of 'getting better all the time.' Just allow for improvement over time. Dr. Mark Hyman has a book Ultra Simple Diet which he says can help someone get more balanced in 10 to Give it a Try for that Amount of Time. I have yet to do his diet...but WILL do so soon, by March, 20, 2018. I am writing that down to be more accountable. Lots of the ideas shared on the first Power Talk I am hearing on the on 11/11/17.

Okay, so likely everyone interested has a good idea of things to do to Take One Step At A Time. Learning to Monitor one's blood sugar (with a test by one's doctor or seeing if it can be done with an online lab etc for one's A1 C Level, which gives the average blood sugar over a few months.)

See what levels are suggested to pay close attention to by the Diabetes Association, and other pro-active places. I have heard that ideally the levels should be Under 6.2 (but some have said under 6.5 or under 7.0) before needing insulin orally or with a shot or pump (that's usually for more serious cases but I am not giving advice and am not a medical person.) We do need more Lifestyle, Health and Exercise Coaches to help the general population.

Likely we could have a standard American diet that has meal plans and shopping, planning schedules (maybe with others doing the work and people being rewarded for Eating Properly once it's made, whether they have to pay for it or it can be underwritten. Seclusion if a serious problem also. Most people 'need to travel with more support' around healthy eating. I would add to that finding a balance of fitness, friendship, family and focus on self...yet as part of a team. Together everyone can find that happy medium (and I'm not talking about those folks who can tune into spirits on the other side, but maybe that too...)

Okay, I am wrapping up this post so I can tune into a lovely event good folks are gathering for shortly in Texas...with family, friends, love and celebration which is apt to include a wonderful time of eating, drinking and celebrating. I invite you to send this happy event and a growing family good energy, even when reading later...the circle of life grows and continues with many happy events along with all that else that happens (with or without clear warnings, so prayers for those who have had to face tougher times whether in Texas or any other state or country...)

We are on a shared journey and can feel we are sailing together on an ocean of love and positive thinking, ready to help one another and stay in tune with our heartfelt desires and concerns. Deborah Wayne online offers the idea to ask oneself "What am I having trouble digesting in life?" What kind of things are out of balance in my life, that are causing me stess or worry?"

Follow that with support to find emotional ease and insights. Our bodies are an outprint of our mindset and emotions (energy motions...) many hypothesize. We are like machines but also have feelings and free will. We may have lived many lifetimes or are processing this one lifetime in ways that there are blocks or unconscious beliefs that need attention. So consider seeing more online programs that speak to that as well. 

Let's keep the faith, the candles of love and hope lit, and the energy to keep going and keep growing, knowing we are not alone and we are much loved (from those here and above.) Believe in miracles too as many can have turn-around moments of attitude and take steps to a calmer way of living....and even when the time comes for each of us, hopefully naturally and with loving supportive family and friends, a more accepting way of passing into the next realm.

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